*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

These guys were hired to provide music for the festivities. I'd begun to think they weren't going to show up, but they just came stumbling out of Baby
's closet (I REALLY don't want to know how they got in there) . . . .


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We definitely have a problem. See, I installed a lock on that closet so that these things wouldn't keep happening. The only one other than me that has a key is Harvey (don't ask)
I certainly didn't put those two in there.
And also, he told me we were done working on the cannon yesterday, so I can't account for-


What's that in the-

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Blue glitter? It was dark and cloudy - couldn't see the moon because of clouds - ran into a giant bull thistle - I've been maimed.
Oh, it's just inacupuncture, Sour, and it's probably already working and you simply haven't noticed yet. Doesn't your back feel better?

Sorry about that, Alaskan; it's that blue glitter in BB2K's closet. It does weird things . . . . and unfortunately, we're not even sure how long the effects last. It could even be permanent in some cases.

But Sour, it's a good thing for you that Harvey didn't realize that the glitter that was already in the cannon would stick to his fur, even when he was invisible. That's what BB2K saw - a sort of ghostly glittery shape. Fortunately for you, her Pookident sense apparently works for glitter ghosts, too (that's the ability we have to recognize each other, no matter what form we're in). Gotta hand it to Harvey - firing himself out of the glitter cannon was a neat idea. I wouldn't have thought he'd fit.
I wondered why that glitter smelled so bad.

Inacupuncture - yes, my back does feel better or perhaps it's just that my front hurts so that I no longer notice my back.
Y'know, ever since I saw WatchMojo's YouTube video, "Top Ten Misheard Lyrics," that song will never be the same for me . . I reckon it's true - nobody likes a showoff..

(I'd post it, but I think it might get me in trouble)
The one that talks about kicking someone? That's not too bad.......
Yeah, that's just simple assault, isn't it? Not even as bad as throwing someone in the moat (aggravated assault at the bare minimum). No, it's a couple of the others that I thought might involve subject matter some might deem inappropriate, and I'd never go there.

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