*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

My intention, quite surely, is to sit! Even if the seat is suddenly of slight discomfort due to the presence of a foot on its back.
On my father's first date with my mother, my grandfather asked, "What are your intentions young man." Meaning where are you going. In his nervousness my father answered, "Honorable, Sir. Honorable." Somehow, knowing my father I doubt that he was being 100% truthful.

The point, young contrains, is that we are watching you!
eenie, eenie, eenie those rumors of beheadings are just that - rumors. Has anyone come up and said, "Hey look I've been beheaded"?

Oh joyful day - DD and her family are on their way to vacation so we get the 'pigs' - oops I meant to say pugs. They are ensconced in the kitchen/laundry rooms which have tile floors - yep, it's because of the pee factor. Also we are the caretakers of their hyperactive 10 month old black lab.
How bad can it be? It's only for a week.
I imagine your father was thinking "how bad can it be?" before he met your grandfather . . . . Which got me wondering - did your grandfather have a gun he was fond of cleaning, too?
Quote: I usually use the correct form of its/it's - hey, I can even do to/two/too! - but that doesn't mean my smart aleck phone can. At the moment, I'm on the laptop, so any errors are my fault, but that phone, that phone . . . .
I try, I really do, but sometimes, the ant print on the screen conceals its stupid little "corrections" until after I post.
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He used the proper form of "it's/its." I think he should get a delayed beheading.

Much obliged! But such rumours confirm my decision to remain near Tani. Not that I ever would fear for my safety in light of the recent commentary since my arrival, of course.

I usually use the correct form of its/it's - hey, I can even do to/too/two! - but that doesn't mean my smart aleck phone can. At the moment, I'm on the laptop, so any errors are my fault, but that phone, that phone . . . .
I try, I really do, but sometimes, the ant print on the screen conceals its stupid little "corrections" until after I post.

My phone and I have permanent disagreements over proper spelling. Every time I attempt to write in Latin, it starts fighting with me!

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