*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Trust me, I'd like nothing better than to feel "normal" pregnancy symptoms.

I'm going on the trip. I made her that promise, and I'm going.
I'm really hoping that putting in a PICC early will make it easier to function.
Trust me, I'd like nothing better than to feel "normal" pregnancy symptoms.

I'm going on the trip. I made her that promise, and I'm going.
I'm really hoping that putting in a PICC early will make it easier to function.

yeah, isn't it annoying when the body isn't obedient and refuses to function and feel the way we want it to?
yeah, isn't it annoying when the body isn't obedient and refuses to function and feel the way we want it to?

Okay, I'll admit that I was not 'good' to my body for the first 50 years, but I have been almost a choirboy the past 23 +. Why are the parts either breaking or functioning at sub par levels? I can't find my guarantee. Our doctor says, "Well, you're not 25 anymore." No kidding!
I want that.....

the "hit this button here to redo your life starting at age________" I want one of those... not sure what age I would enter in the blank.....

I am getting tired of going to the Doctor and mentioning this whatever, or that whatever, and they just tell me to suck it up, I am old, what else did I expect to happen?
Second ER visit for fluids of this pregnancy. I think I'm gonna go ahead and have a PICC put in. I wanted to wait for that, until after I'd finished some stuff I promised to do with the kids, but this pregnancy is shaping up to be much worse. I'll just have to go with Lily in her Zoo feild trip with a PICC line. Terry doesn't want me to, but I promised her last year, and I AM going.

Give me a call when you have your next appointment. I'll treat you to lunch or breakfast at the Cracker Barrel - it's close.

I have never eaten at Cracker Barrel

but, I am totally game..... FREE FOOD!!!!
That is why I'm still 29. No doctors needed. Next time you two have your Dr. appt. Cracker Barrel's on me! I love Cracker Barrel! But you have to come to Ohio (If it were me though I'd totally play hooky and skip it and just go to Cracker Barrel -Can you tell I'm not much for Dr's visits.)

So I volunteered to help a teacher I know release some brown trout into a local lake (he raises them from eggs in the classroom and then releases them when they are large enough). I helped put the trout into individual containers so the kids could gently release them into the lake. It was so cold this afternoon that there was a layer of ice forming on the tops of the containers before the kids put them in the lake.

This kingdom needs to warm up!!!

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