*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

I have a whole new respect for The Critter...........
Aw, that picture is a little too flattering though, he's not quite that pretty.

Then again, I may just be a little bitter that he has straight hair while I have to deal with these darn curls...

Wisher, Bunny's told me you want curls, I'd be willing to trade!
Well everybody lived! Even me!

Still a touch of a migraine, but it'll be alright.

What an interesting few days....

Rooster, maybe he called his wife a manatee...that gets MFB banned from a lot more than just the kitchen...
I never understood why everyone has fond memories of getting poop between their toes. I've never gotten a positive feeling about it.
I like sand in between my toes...nice warm sand while at the beach. Manure, snails, slugs and such are cold and squishy...sticky and

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