*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

"Unscathed?" Well, no blood was shed, though I think we are all glad we won't be doing it again tonight! I think most of us are a bit sore today.

Betsy basically fell coming off the trailer, and was favoring one foot for a few minutes - for a bit, I though we might have to do the parade without her. She recovered,and was walking and jogging evenly, so I decided she was good to go. She was a trooper about the "wall of sound" that we walked into on the parade route, though she seemed to think the man hole covers were some sort of diabolical "vet in a box" or something equally non-mule-friendly.

That Syd wasn't in a "listening" frame of mind was clear at the start. While in the relative calm of the pre-parade set up area, she blew up while tied to the back of the trailer, and wound up body-slamming herself into the rear door. I said, "well, Syd, did you learn anything?" She pretty much kept all four feet on the ground after that, so maybe she did. She was pulling like a freight train through most of the parade; clearly, we need to work a bit more on ground manners. When Baby
had dealt with all of pulling she could handle, she handed Syd off to me, so we both have sore muscles this morning. I imagine Syd has a sore nose, too.

This parade route is basically linear, so after it was over, DS and I left Baby
and the minis with friends while we walked back to get the truck and trailer. All told, it was a walk of about 2 miles. When I have ground to cover, I walk fast; DS was feeling the results of that pace last night, he's a bit sore this morning, too.

So, are we having fun yet?
*sigh* finals week starts Monday... just need to get through that, and I'll be able to be around on here more without worrying about homework or bribing- I mean, baking things for my teachers.
I learned how to make homemade toffee last night. So delicious!

So how has everyone been? I'll be bringing a friend to the thread in a little bit, be nice to her, she's having a bad chicken day today (roosters fighting, one is gravely injured)

Oh and I asked a boy to a dance next Saturday please don't kill me.

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