*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Well my friends it's come to this point.

Happy Birthday thread...

7-20-11 to 7-20-13 we're two years old today, and just
over 19,000 posts. When Em stold this one, she stold a
good one.

My hat's off to all the elders, the youngers, and the others
that have posted on, or read this thread. There has been
a lot of fun shared here.

Thanks to each one of you.

Spook....Lets start a whole new year.
There's a show on tv, Hillbilly Blood, about two
guys in North Carolina. Strange guys, strange
ways. (and I'm a hillbilly)

But...our own Bunnylady is a North Carolina person.
And her husband, he's some sort of critter. (She's never
said just what kind of critter he is.)

These two hillbillys ...they wouldn't be your kin, would they


*My mother is at a point where she spends a lot of time
watching tv. She gets a kick out of these two. Not much
on tv she likes.
Happy Birthday, thread.
Who'd ever have thunk it?
Now, see, my calendar says that tomorrow is the 20th, but what does it know? It's just paper, after all. JD's running 3 days slow, if Spook wants to run one day fast, that's fine with me - this is the Kingdom, after all.

No, I don't think those guys are kin, Spook. I'm a transplant; I've got redneck kin in Georgia, but none in North Carolina that I know about. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that they were related to my in-laws' in-laws, though.
Tomorrow Tani turns 17. Tani is not ready to be 17. Tani still feels about 12 sometimes (and sometimes I feel 62, but seriously.) another year older, another year wiser, another year Sparklier.
Geez, you all like to have your birthdays at the same time don't ya? Anyhow, Happy (late) Birthday Tani!
Greeting dear Queen and citizens of the Kingdom, and a belated Happy Birthday Tani! 17? Hmmm, one more year and I might divulge my sparkling secrets, but maybe it would be better that Queen Wisher did it.

Sour, what did you do? What haven't you done? Actually you and Spook make the rest of us good sparklys proud. You two are true gentlemen sparklys. Oh, and a belated Happy Birthday to you two.

Well, I gotta get back to running my Kingdom. I hope to stop in more often in the near future. Ooohh, yeah. Hi Orps!
Queen Wisher? I think Queen Em may have something to say about this.
We have had quite a flurry of folks getting older, haven't we? Though we aren't all in one big knot - eenie and I are considerably later in the year, for example.

Oh, and Queen Em
appointed Wisher as interim Queen while she is gone - I guess she was worried that an empty throne might be too tempting to some (no names, no names, but you folks know who you are!)
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