Sickly Chicken and Overall Low Egg Count


In the Brooder
Jan 25, 2024
Good morning!

About two months ago, we found one of our leghorns passed away in the nesting box. We assumed egg bound as no other chickens were showing signs of distress, overall egg count was good, there were no signs of off colored or textured poop and no signs of mites. Because she died in the nesting box, we did a thorough cleanout of the coop.

Now, we have another chicken who was behaving normally, but her comb was grey. We watched her carefully for the next few days and her comb seemed to regain color. All of a sudden last night, she didn't enter the coop with the group, her comb was very pale and she leaked watery and green poop when we squeezed her belly checking for impaction.

We isolated her overnight and she seems almost normal this morning.

Any ideas or guidance is appreciated. We will give her electrolyte water today and keep a close eye on her, but we're new to the chicken thing and I'm really not sure what to do to determine what might be wrong with her and if it will impacts the other 10 hens.

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