Sick birds: something’s decimating my flock


In the Brooder
Oct 6, 2021
Two weeks ago I was counting my chickens before putting them away for the night and noticed I was short by one. The next day I found her, she had passed away. She was not mutilated or torn apart and she had no obvious signs of injury. I do not know what killed her. Fast forward to yesterday, I noticed one of my other hens, a different breed, had a change in her behavior. She was usually a flighty bird always wanting to be the first one out to explore the garden. She began acting lethargic, listless, and was not laying eggs or eating or engaging with any of the other birds as she normally did. This morning when I went out I noticed a red tinge in a pile of feces where they roost at night. I did extensive research on coccidiosis and because she had all of the symptoms I went to the local farm store to get Corid to treat the flock. By the time I got home today, she was laying down out in the chicken yard and was unusually idle, something was obviously wrong. i gave her some corid orally since she was not taking water or food in and within five minutes she began spitting up and passed away as well. After she had died, I noticed that there was some blood slowly seeping from of her vent. I don’t know what’s going on with my birds or what is killing them off. Has anybody ever had this happen before? Please help
Sorry for your loss. Where are you located? How old are your chickens? Can you get the other chickens started on Corid at 2 tsp of the liquid per gallon of water for 5-7 days? The powder dosage is 1.5 tsp per gallon. Normally chickens build up a gradual resistance to coccidiosis with exposure to soil as they age. Usually coccidiosis affects young chickens before they build up tolerance. Worms or eating something sharp could also cause blood in the GI tract.

I would refrigerate the body of the latest chicken, and send it to your state vet today for a necropsy. They can look for a cause of death. Here is a list of state vets:
I gave her corid orally since she wasn't taking water. I also squirted some water down her throat. My sister works at a vets office and she relayed the above story to him. He told her that giving a chicken too much water causing their stomach to rupture and that this is likely what killed her. Does anyone know can giving a chicken too much water cause her to die? I didn't mean to cause her death. I only wanted to help her. I feel so terrible about this.
I gave her corid orally since she wasn't taking water. I also squirted some water down her throat. My sister works at a vets office and she relayed the above story to him. He told her that giving a chicken too much water causing their stomach to rupture and that this is likely what killed her. Does anyone know can giving a chicken too much water cause her to die? I didn't mean to cause her death. I only wanted to help her. I feel so terrible about this.
IMO, your vet is jumping to baseless conclusions.
How much water did you give her at once?
An average size 5 pound hen can get 40-50 mls of water in an empty crop at one tubing session.
As has been suggested, you really need to refrigerate the body of the bird that died most recently and send her off for necropsy to your state lab. If you are in Northern CA, the closest lab appears to be in Davis.

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