Sick baby chick


Apr 27, 2021

I have a baby Salmon Faverolles who was active and spunky Thursday and Friday; running, eating, drinking, curious about everything, very social. Today she has been unsocial, sets herself away from the others. She just stands where placed then eventually lays there. It’s been a huge personality change. She’s not snuggled on my chest sleeping. I gave her a little tiny bit of nutri drench. I did lose one of her sisters last night she was also very lethargic from the moment she got into the brooder. This is my first attempt with the breed, I have Americanas, barred rocks, and orpingtons in the chick batch as well and all are doing great. Any suggestions to try?


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You aren’t thinking the dreaded “C” word are you? 🫣
Baby chicks dying is automatically the C word with most of us. Rarely is it anything else, provided they have a proper brooder, as in 90-95F or so at one end, and an area where they can get away from the heat, are on chick starter (either kind) with fresh water, making sure they know how to drink as some don't catch on fast enough.
Baby chicks dying is automatically the C word with most of us. Rarely is it anything else, provided they have a proper brooder, as in 90-95F or so at one end, and an area where they can get away from the heat, are on chick starter (either kind) with fresh water, making sure they know how to drink as some don't catch on fast enough
the brooder, feed, water are all spot on, fortunately/unfortunately, if it means something like that. Thank you for your help! My older chicks have been here a week. These ones just got in on Thursday and I brought them home Thursday afternoon. Super bummed to lose one and hopefully can save the other
the brooder, feed, water are all spot on, fortunately/unfortunately, if it means something like that. Thank you for your help! My older chicks have been here a week. These ones just got in on Thursday and I brought them home Thursday afternoon. Super bummed to lose one and hopefully can save the other
Keep them apart and make sure you and anyone touching them washes with soap and water or uses hand sanitizer.

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