Shredded Paper in Nesting Boxes?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 18, 2012
Has anyone used shredded paper for the inside of their nesting boxes? I have a load of it at work from regular paper shredding that I thought would work well. Like office paper being disposed of through a shredder. Any thoughts? Thanks!!
I've never personally used it, but I read in a magazine that it can stick to eggs. It's worth trying, and if you don't like it just switch to something else.
I've never personally used it, but I read in a magazine that it can stick to eggs. It's worth trying, and if you don't like it just switch to something else.
Yeah, now that you say that, I'm thinking it may stick to eggs.....
It will stick sometimes. I've tried shredded newspaper and there was some ink transfer. I'd be mostly concerned with any chemicals that might be in the mixed paper (NCR is nasty stuff, toner isn't great either). My chopped straw can stick too but it's easy enough to pick off if it happens and it's relatively clean. If you want pristine eggs, the plastic nest mats are probably your best bet. Otherwise, use whatever makes you happy.
we have added it to our nest boxes on occasion. No worse than the planner shavings we currently use (free from my dad with the wood shop)
Oh, I have to tell you... We had a ton of shredded paper so we tried it as litter in the coop. It worked OK but they'd drag strands out when going into the run. My husband came in and declared the experiment a failure because it looked like a (insert favorite swear word here) ticker tape parade out there! It broke down quickly in the compost pile, though. Much faster than the straw. If he weren't so concerned with the aesthetics, it would be a fine, free litter.
It does stick but my birds insisted on it. I tried hay but had shredded paper in the brooder area. They were getting into the brooder to lay in the paper. They LOVE the paper.
It will stick sometimes. I've tried shredded newspaper and there was some ink transfer. I'd be mostly concerned with any chemicals that might be in the mixed paper (NCR is nasty stuff, toner isn't great either). My chopped straw can stick too but it's easy enough to pick off if it happens and it's relatively clean. If you want pristine eggs, the plastic nest mats are probably your best bet. Otherwise, use whatever makes you happy.


Can you say something more about "the plastic nest mats". I have never heard of them. Where can they be found?
I used crosscut shredded paper (1 1/2"x1/4") in the coop with pine shavings about a month ago and it is still in there. Doesn't break down very fast, which I think is good. It does however fly through the hardware cloth easier than the pine shavings do. I threw regular (threads nearly a foot long, not crosscut) paper that my hubbie brought home from work in the brooder with the 3 BCM in quarantine and it is a pain in the butt. Wraps around their feet, sticks to their eggs like cement and is hard to turn over when I am giving the brooder a good toss. I have 4 large bags of the crosscut I will continue to use, but am putting the long thread in the recycle bin. (Although, the hens who are in quarantine and are laying eggs DO like to make nesting areas to lay their eggs in the long threads. Reminds me of yard birds stealing whatever they can to make their nests.)

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