Show off your house ducks!

So I stole another duckling from momma duck today. I couldn't resist, it has stunningly perfect conformation, perfectly straight legs, a gorgeous chest angle, and doesn't toe in when it walks. Seeing as I have bought more Saxony ducklings from Holderread's top show quality line for breeding that will arrive in April, I need my future champion breeder to be imprinted. The sibling in the incubator is due to hatch any day (beak in the air sac by candling), which brings me up to 4 babies. Momma would be happy to take one of the ones I hatched, but they are strongly imprinted to me. So, I measured them for nappies, and if I can ever bring myself to disturb them from their nap in my lap, I will sew them up tonight. My plan was to have 2 imprinted house ducks... My duck math seems to be a bit off....
Well, it finally happened. I am a victim of duck rape! I put my foot down and haven't allowed Wobs to "mate" with me for the past two days so my hands can heal, and this evening after a diaper change he tore into my thumb and just would not let up! He'd bite and mount any part of me, my foot, my face, thigh, didn't matter! He kept at it and when I put him in his pen he tried to fly out. After an hour(!) of banging against the walls of the pen I gave in and let him mount my hands.

I really, really want mating season to be over.
Well, it finally happened. I am a victim of duck rape! I put my foot down and haven't allowed Wobs to "mate" with me for the past two days so my hands can heal, and this evening after a diaper change he tore into my thumb and just would not let up! He'd bite and mount any part of me, my foot, my face, thigh, didn't matter! He kept at it and when I put him in his pen he tried to fly out. After an hour(!) of banging against the walls of the pen I gave in and let him mount my hands.

I really, really want mating season to be over.
Well, it finally happened. I am a victim of duck rape! I put my foot down and haven't allowed Wobs to "mate" with me for the past two days so my hands can heal, and this evening after a diaper change he tore into my thumb and just would not let up! He'd bite and mount any part of me, my foot, my face, thigh, didn't matter! He kept at it and when I put him in his pen he tried to fly out. After an hour(!) of banging against the walls of the pen I gave in and let him mount my hands.

I really, really want mating season to be over.
Wow. I feel bad for your hands. I also kinda feel bad for your poor boy who wants a wife. Is there any other way to get through mating season without having to keep him penned up to save your sanity? I have a young Drake, and I have to say-that sounds like a nightmare!
I got absolutely nothing done today. lol! I fed my birds outside with a duckling stuffed inside my coat. I set up a little brooder for them today, but am not using the big brooder, opting for a smaller setup where they can see me at all times. Mama is getting busy with her part of the clutch too! She may growl and bite me, but she really loves her babies! They love it under my laptop...
a duckling in your coat of all things is so precious. Is the cute hen in the brooder one of your Saxonies? She's gorgeous.
Well, it finally happened. I am a victim of duck rape! I put my foot down and haven't allowed Wobs to "mate" with me for the past two days so my hands can heal, and this evening after a diaper change he tore into my thumb and just would not let up! He'd bite and mount any part of me, my foot, my face, thigh, didn't matter! He kept at it and when I put him in his pen he tried to fly out. After an hour(!) of banging against the walls of the pen I gave in and let him mount my hands. 

I really, really want mating season to be over.
Man, those hormones are powerful.
a duckling in your coat of all things is so precious. Is the cute hen in the brooder one of your Saxonies? She's gorgeous.
Yes! That's my Saxony girl on her nest in the bathroom! Her man is running around the house feeling useless, and she and I have split up the ducklings she has hatched so far to brood. She would love to have them all, as would I, so we are dividing the duty... My babies wouldn't sleep in their little nest last night, so they ended up in bed with me, again....

"My stepmommy is a sucker for my cuteness! Mwahahahaha"

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