Should I worm molting chickens?


Crossing the Road
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
May 14, 2021
Eastern WA
Hi everyone,

A few weeks ago, I noticed some roundworms in my hens droppings, so I figured I should worm them again. The last time I did this was in spring, so it was probably time anyway. So I gave all of them except one their first dose nine days ago. I left out the one hen because I didn’t think it was a good idea to worm her yet, as she was, and still is, going through a super rough molt. So I’ll probably just worm her a bit later. The thing is, in the week and a half it’s been since I wormed them, two of them have started molting, pretty badly. Like one of them has almost no feathers and could probably win the molting contest this year…😬 So my question is, since I’ve already given them the first dose, should I give them the second as well, because it likely won’t hurt them any more? Or should I wait?
Hi everyone,

A few weeks ago, I noticed some roundworms in my hens droppings, so I figured I should worm them again. The last time I did this was in spring, so it was probably time anyway. So I gave all of them except one their first dose nine days ago. I left out the one hen because I didn’t think it was a good idea to worm her yet, as she was, and still is, going through a super rough molt. So I’ll probably just worm her a bit later. The thing is, in the week and a half it’s been since I wormed them, two of them have started molting, pretty badly. Like one of them has almost no feathers and could probably win the molting contest this year…😬 So my question is, since I’ve already given them the first dose, should I give them the second as well, because it likely won’t hurt them any more? Or should I wait?
I would follow up with the repeat dose since you have already given them the medication.

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