Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

25 gorgeous eggs today - I got a new customer too - 2 dozen for tomorrow so I packed up the largest and most beautiful of them all, and I gotta admit, they make a stunning presentation. I'm so delighted with my hens. now I need to take a picture...but I'm so beat, it probably won't happen.
I'm here.... Just hanging out listening to Phyllis squawk! I swear I think she's Rodger's long lost sister. Tho she does lay an egg every now and then!
Good morning gang
This is the start of week 14 for the girls!! Hopefully not much longer until they start laying. I swear this has been like watching paint dry or watching a pot on the stove waiting for it to boil. My daughters go out to check 3 or 4 times a day "just in case" as they put it, and I sneak around as soon as I get home from work to see "just in case" also lol.
So my bantam coop has gone crazy!  4 of 5 Serama hens broody and sitting on eggs, and now both of the Cochins are broody!!!  :barnie   There are no more eggs to set!  I wonder if I can get them to take the Eng Orp chicks.  That would be cool, since I got them to be raised by a broody (who is also still broody), but the chicks are a week old tomorrow so chances are slim.  All those broody chickens and I am raising chicks in the garage!  :rolleyes:   They make up for it by being very cute and friendly.  I will try to post pics of them tomorrow.  Slow growers- no feathers yet.

W4w they are so monkey see monkey do...I started with 1 broody a few weeks ago now I have 4 consistent and one 'helper' who sits with another. So I got all my eggs I gave three broodies egg. Have 2 incubators going as well. We shall see how the broodies do. The ccl girls are very quick to brood I guess. It's interesting to me to have one in her first egg laying season sitting already. My jersey giant loves to brood and I'm excited to see how she does with her 7 eggs.

Yay!! Ta Da!! One egg today!!!!!!!!!!!

The most loved chook..

Congrats ! I hope you did something special with the first egg :)

Hi all, hope you don't mind me jumping in on this thread... Such a great read.

Ok well as stands i have 10 girlies and 2 roosters. I get at the most four eggs a day two brown from the buff Sussex. two white, one from a black girl (not sure of breed, black very large comb and white earlobes :lol: ) and the other from either a seabright or an exchequer leghorn don't know who tho.

Now the two Sussex that lays are just over a year, but the rest of my girls are all the same age 1 in June, but only two are laying? The other ones are light Sussex, RIR, leghorn.

I've been wondering the reason why the near one year olds still are not Laying when two of the same age are. Confused a little.

3 out of 4 eggs today btw. :D

Welcome nicole.

Cheeka your pictures are beautiful as usual. I love the peony about to open.
Also we remodeled a she'd very similar to the one you just got. I love it as a coop. And we built storage and a baby/sick pen right into it.

Lindz sorry to hear of your loss .
Hi all! Hatching chick craziness around here. Trying to figure out where to put all these broody hens with their chicks. Thought
I'd be able to have them share pens if the chicks were a similar age. Ha! More planning gone awry and much cobbling of temporary pens!

Lindz, those pics of Parker are lovely. It's easy to see how such a tiny little family member can leave such a huge void.

JW, everybody wants to find the first egg! And it's still exciting to find them after a couple of years.

Clindz, my biggest squawker is Grumpus. Some days it sounds like the world is coming to an end.

Something's wrong. I don't know what it is, but it's wrong. I'll figure it out in a minute...
Hi Sally! You posted while I was typing. Yes, the broody bug does seem catching. I went and got 2 bantam Cochins and a Silkie to go broody and raise Serama chicks, since the Seramas showed no interest at all. This year, 4 out of 5 went broody and they all have chicks! Only 2 are sharing, which is great. Even though setting up the pens is kind of a pain, in the long run it is so much easier to have the mamas raise the youngsters. I love watching how they all interact. You can see the chicks learning how do new things every day. Little sponges! One of the smaller ones tried to scratch in the dirt and launched itself forward when it hit a dirt clod! They are sooo tiny. Makes me appreciate more how the wild quail are so successful.

You will have to post some pics when the eggs hatch. Sounds like you will have quite a few!
Thanks you all! There is definitely an empty place around here.... I fixed the girls mac&cheese for lunch and of course dropped a noodle.... I started to call for him to get it, but caught myself with a lump in my throat....

Well, I gotta run down to the coop and check on everyone! I may let the mommas and chicks out for the first time later this afternoon... We'll have to wait and see.

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