Should I buy eggs or wait it out?


I got 15 Eggs today, Big Broody still going strong at the close of day 6. Esther is not. but, it was important to break her if she wants to be half-a$$ed. poor little eggs. she wanted to go back to her old spot, but I won't let her. she had a great bath, some foraging and was immediately plucked from that spot and put back. a little while ago, she was sunning herself. I'll take the eggs away tomorrow if she's pacing again in the morning.
Ahhhhhh I totally cheated and candled an egg. I saw veining and a tiny embryo! I know a lot can go wrong as I'm only on day 3 but im happy to get this far. I only checked one cause I'm doing the "less is more" philosophy if hatching in hopes of keeping my expectations down!!!! It's totally not working...I'm soooo excited!!!!

The excitement never ends.

So I get around 14 eggs a day right now was 12 so far. I have three for sure non layers two broodies n one quitter (oldest girl) who hasn't laid in 1.5 years.

If I had to move down chickens it would be about personality and health. To me those are most important . But depends on if your looking for egg production or meat etc. My cream legbar give beautiful eggs but they lack in personality. They are a lot more timid and just act dainty like old English ladies. My 8 pack girls (8 different breeds) are a wild hoot of laughs filled with personality and all kinds of crazy . The garden girls are elderly and while they give me nothing in return basically are free loading. I promised their mom they had a home here and the always will.

Martie , gil, scrambles ...nice to meet you all ...don't think we have met.
The excitement never ends.

So I get around 14 eggs a day right now was 12 so far. I have three for sure non layers two broodies n one quitter (oldest girl) who hasn't laid in 1.5 years.

If I had to move down chickens it would be about personality and health. To me those are most important . But depends on if your looking for egg production or meat etc. My cream legbar give beautiful eggs but they lack in personality. They are a lot more timid and just act dainty like old English ladies. My 8 pack girls (8 different breeds) are a wild hoot of laughs filled with personality and all kinds of crazy . The garden girls are elderly and while they give me nothing in return basically are free loading. I promised their mom they had a home here and the always will.

Martie , gil, scrambles ...nice to meet you all ...don't think we have met.
Hi there... nice to meet you too. I have been here for 6-7 months?? Had chickens for 3 years.
Here are some pics of the bantam coop completion. We added permanent roosts, nest boxes, and a backdoor to the run.



Nests below, storage cupboard above.

The Seramas can fly up but the Silkie needed a ramp and some steps.

Couple of roosts, lower one is wider. On really hot days, I open the doors and put some fencing up.

Happy chickens!
ooh that's a nice setup W4W! I really like the back door... Sillie Soo can get up on the lowest roost on her own, but for a while she needed to hop on the kennel nest and then up to the roost. I worried about her a little when I took the kennel out for Esther... but she was roosting no problem... speaking of Esther... I found her on the roost tonight. I put her back in the Dome. I doubt she's broken of her broodiness, she hopped on the front roost for about a minute and then headed slowly back to her preferred spot. it's fine. maybe later in the season.
I might be the only one who has nothing better to do that check to see if anyone has posted lol.

My chicks seem about equal in terms of personality and I can't tell anything about their individual health at this point. I guess I'll go with 2 nice girls with good sized baby buckets and let the other three go. My daughter's favorite roo is going to his new home next weekend. The two second gen RSL boys are going "home" next week probably. Someone is supposed to email me about my excess red pullets. After all that is done I will still have 3 excess ameracauna roos. No takers on CL.
most days, I can pop on in the afternoon... lately, I have been taking advantage of the finally arrived pleasant weather to get stuff done... then before ya know it! it's dark... I really need to get to the grocery store. I'm eating that stuff that we all have in the cabinets that hardly ever gets eaten... won't have much to donate to the Nat'l Rural Letter Carriers food drive this Saturday if I keep this up!
Howdy everyone! I have some great news! While I was out today my son made himself and my husband 3 egg omlets using all of the 5 eggs in the house which sent my DH out to the coop to get the 6th. When I got home found out what had been cooked and asked my DH if we were out of eggs, he shocked me by saying... " I really think we need a couple more chickens that are already laying eggs." ;D I was shocked!! Yay!! He's on board, now to find a couple more!!

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