Should I be worried about a small goat bite?

photo chick

10 Years
May 4, 2009
Essex, VT
We have new 3.5 month old fainting goats. They are so sweet but still getting used to us. Today my daughter (8 years old) was letting one of them nibble on her finger...she likes it because they have no top teeth. My daughter got distracted and before you know it the goat had moved her little finger to the back of his mouth. He ended up biting through the nail bed slightly. Owww! She was surprised and more than anything she had her feelings hurt. She bled some but not a lot. Do goats have exceptionally dirty mouths like cats? Besides the basic cleaning and watching for infection is there anything else I should know about? She will no longer let them nibble!
Don''t worry

Your goat will be fine
I have goats and this has happened before ...I would just keep it clean and tell her not to let them nibble on her finger again. This can be a bad habit and hard to break. I dont let mine nibble on me as the older they get the harder they BITE!
Yes, and unfortunately due to their height and apparent lack of sense, they seem to think our bottoms looks mighty tasty.

Honestly though, they are always after any loose strings on my jeans or the edge of my shirt. I don't allow them to nibble me for the reason stated above...
My Nubian/Nigerian mix gave me quite a firm bite on the rump a while back so I don't let him get behind me for obvious reasons.
Since goats are herbivores, I doubt their mouths are very "dirty" at all. Her finger will probably just be sore like the dickens for a few days.

Goats are naturally curious and don't normally mean to hurt anybody with their nibbling. Their mouth is how they explore their world.

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