Shipped eggs reek of cigarette smoke


In the Brooder
Mar 10, 2016
Keene, Texas
I've just received 18 'show quality' silkie eggs from a purchase made on eBay, and I'm a little worried because the whole box, packaging, even the eggs themselves stink like cigarette smoke! I set the eggs out to let them settle, and just not put them in the incubator, but I can even smell it through the incubator! :( I hope this won't affect my hatch. :( I know eggs can absorb toxins, and if I can smell it on them....

Anyone encounter this before? I've incubated shipped eggs about 7 times now and always had SOMETHING hatch... But I'm worried about these from the getgo.
That's crazy I never heard of that. Don't know if it will effect the hatch or not. But those eggs must have been around some heavy smokers to smell that bad jeez.

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