Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

That’s a lot of tax.
Here is my tax.

The Light Sussex rooster I was told is called Henry 11. Apparently he’s not over fond of people. One of the reasons he has such bad scaly leg mite is he wouldn’t have any of that capturing business and was prone to having a bit of a scrap in the event he got cornered. He’s quite a large chap and he’s got a lovely set of spurs on him.

So, job one was to get acquainted with Henry.

I went equipped with walnuts. Got into the run without getting mowed down by the hens trying to get out and stooped down to offer Henry half a walnut, sweeping the hens away with my other hand.

Henry took the walnut and he ate it. I gave him another and he ate that one as well. The third walnut he dropped for the hens and as some of you will know when a rooster drops food for his hens, his head usually lowers as well, and for a moment he isn’t concentrating on you. I grabbed him. There wasn’t much of a fuss. I held him for a few seconds and fed him another walnut in front of his hens, then gently put him down. Now if I call him he comes to me and every time I give him something just for him and enough after for him to drop for his hens. Unless I have food he is a bit wary of coming close, but that’s improving by the day.
A short disclaimer.

I love hens but above all I love roosters. I don’t care much if they like me back. I’ll work with that.
I’ve looked after lots of roosters and I’ve never had to kill one because of how he behaved towards me.
I’ve been flogged, spurred, pecked, had all sorts of stuff done to my boots, hands and clothing, most of which isn’t to be discussed in refined company.:oops:

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