Sexing by tail feathers?

I believe the saddle feathers are on the back above the tails, not to sure tho, but someone will set us straight. Although I think they have to be older for the saddle feathers to droop down, but often are more pointed then a pullets. Anymore I am just waiting for the obvious crow, until I can tell for sure. Our first batch of silkie chicks, we sold all but four, then sold 2 of those and the ones I kept were both roos, go figure.
I did a search and found that the saddle feathers are back by the tail on the back of a rooster, on a hen the feathers in that area are called cushion.
Like alot of things with chickens, its all a learning experiance :)
I will be doing my trial and error sexing this comming year. First trial will be with this group, I will be keeping these, and have seperated them out by tail growth at this time, so will see how this run goes. Between now and my first incubating run next year I have plans for a second brooder, so I will start with wing feather sexing at first and watch to see how they develope from there.

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