Sexing 10wk old Wyandottes. Any Dottie experts??

Chick #2 is feathering out a lot slower than the rest. Got them both as day olds. Could the slow growth be a sign of a male?
Ive heard that it could be, but it that might be breed specific. Not sure about Wyandottes. If you’d told me your chicks were 6 weeks old, I’d say the second one is likely a cockerel due to comb color & wattle development. But at 8 weeks I would be less concerned about color development.
For comparison, my two 10 week old Wyandottes. There is a marked difference in comb growth and body shape.


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Anyone think the one with the green feathers looks more cockerel? I have a bunch right now I myself am unsure of as they are harder for me to tell as some breeds, but I kind of celebrate my Roos as I love how pretty they are. Can’t wait to hear who is going to crow here soon.

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