Sexed ducklings? Or not


8 Years
Jul 18, 2011
Snohomish County, WA
Is it common to get sexed ducklings that are, in fact, drakes instead of hens? Thinking one of our new ducklings is a drake based on the quack or lack thereof?? Markings not distinctive enough yet, but the quack is more like a drake.
Not at all unusual, unfortunately. Sexing ducklings is a tricky business and mistakes are often made. Was it a hatchery duckling, or purchased locally? Check your hatchery's policy, they may reimburse you or provide other compensation. Hatcheries are generally pretty consistent with sexing, but even they make mistakes. Inexperienced breeders will make even more mistakes. Personally, I don't sell sexed ducklings because I won't take a chance on damaging them (it can be dangerous), and anyway I don't want to deal with fall-out if I make a mistake.

How old are your ducklings? Some do develop more slowly and may start quacking later than the others. Fingers crossed for you!
Thanks for the reply. They were purchased from local feed store. Have contacted them and they say breeder will cover the mistake when sex is confirmed. Now the only problem is I got two females because I ended up with three males when I got straight run from prior order. Just can't seem to part with them now! (Well, unless they start getting violent.) Husband is going to get tired of building "another duck house" for "just a couple of ducks for eggs" LOL Unfortunately, they will get no more ducklings this year, so not sure how much "covering the mistake" will do.....until next year.
That really stinks. Feed stores are notorious for screwing things up. So sorry. And good luck getting it sorted out.

I know it can be hard to part with them, and that's the worst part about the screw-ups. And I know ALL about duck math, lol--"just a couple of ducks" just doesn't mean the same to the duck-addicted as it seems to the rest of the world it should.

Maybe you can find someone who just wants a couple of pet ducks and will treat them well, and that will make it easier for you to let them go? Good luck. I hope the best for you and them.

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