Separating young punk rooster from young hens


In the Brooder
Jul 8, 2017
hey y'all I kind of had an emergency today we have a 12 week old rooster and 2 12 week old hens in the same coop and run. In the past week the rooster has been biting the tops of the heads of the two hens for no reason and it's not having to do with breeding. Today was the last straw when he attacked our little black hen three times in a 10 minute period :( my husband put him in the house and locked him up in there until we decided what to we have another small chicken house we could put the rooster in. Am I right to think that he should be separated from our gals until they're all three adults? Can a young punk rooster like this eventually keep on until he would kill one of those hens? Is he going to outgrow this or is he just a bad rooster that we need to get rid of for good?Thanks in advance for all of your help I'm really upset about this.
It's up to you whether you keep him or not, he could get better or get aggressive.

Young cockerels are often jerks, especially if there is no adult rooster to keep them in line and you don't have enough girls - which you don't. You need more pullets.
Oh thank you so much kindfarm girl.. I can understand that ....that makes perfect sense! now I've got a set of seven hens that are 18 weeks old we put him in there with them to see what would happen and they beat up on him. We put him in our chicken tractor for now. Thanks hon!
Oh thank you so much kindfarm girl.. I can understand that ....that makes perfect sense! now I've got a set of seven hens that are 18 weeks old we put him in there with them to see what would happen and they beat up on him. We put him in our chicken tractor for now. Thanks hon!

How long were they together? Really, it might be good for him to be on the bottom of the pecking order for a little bit, but on the other hand if you wait a few weeks/months to put him and all the girls together there might be less problems. You're very welcome!!

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