Sent him for feed, and he comes home with chicks!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 25, 2010
1.9 Acres Ohio
Darn Husbands! And he made ME promise not to go to TSC until after the chicks were, now I need to know what these babies are. All are yellow, two have yellow legs, on has pink. Supposed to be approx 2-3 weeks old. Any ideas? The lady at TSC said they were egg layers, NOT meat birds...but who knows, right?


I agree they look rooish and dont look to be meat birds.. My Cornishx were way bigger and uglier at that age.. Otherwise sorry I can thelp
You can't trust those feed store employees to know what they are talking about when it comes to chicks. I was sold 5 buff orpingtons that were actually Cornish crosses. They looked exactly like that at one week. Our white rock chicks are more smokey colored.
I got yellows ones out of the pullet bin that look like that, but mine looked like yours at about 1 week old not 2-3 weeks (I cant really tell how big they are but im going by feathers). When I posted pics, I got a few dif answers, buff orphs or white leg horns. I cant really help you but Congrats they are really cute!
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I was going to say, those are NOT 2-3 weeks, 1 at best. They also look just like CRX or at least Cornish.
Then again, even at a week a CRX would be more filled out since they grow like there is no tomorrow.
I was originally going to say White Leghorn though.
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