Selective Broodiness


9 Years
Jul 10, 2010
I have a three year old lady that has finally deicded she wants a family. She went broody. I nicely removed her and her two eggs she was raising. She snuck back into the brooder box. I remove her and she will stay out and then the next day go right back to it. Some mornings and afternoons, I find her hanging out with the other ladies like a carefree lady. Then all of sudden she will go broody again. I'm starting to think she is just messing with me :) Any thoughts? I keep the nest box free of eggs and open it up when she is in there to let in light and discourage her. It is tough to figure out since she will take so much time off from being broody but then decide she wants to warm some eggs for a few more days. It has been a few weeks. Do you have any thoughts on this?

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