Scalped duck injury


8 Years
Nov 5, 2013
Plymouth Devon UK
One of my young female ducks sadly got her head caught in the poultry netting. Then one of the turkeys in the other side scalped here.
I’ve never seen a wound so horrific the top of the skull all exposed.
I was amazed she was still alive.
I’m not sure if this kind of injury will heal or if it’s kinder to dispatch her?
I’ve cleaned it all out with hib scrub and put a wound dressing on with vet wrap and cut it so her eyes are exposed. She still has eyes just thankfully but very swollen and she’s keeping them shut.
I’ve put her in a little house on her own and she’s started drinking.
She’s not eaten yet.
I’ve softened some food too for her.
I have metcam pain killers but unsure if I can give a duck that. I also have penicillin injectable which we use on cattle but again unsure if I can or dosage?

As all poultry needed locking up and I didn’t have room to lock the ducks and turkeys in especially in with the chickens, I had poultry netting dividing a covered pen and this is the first incident and want it to be the last. I’ve just ordered a roll of chicken mesh to use instead.


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I'd be tempted to remove the dressing and cover the wound with antibiotic ointment. I've never faced this problem with a duck, but have had several scalped pigeons and chickens. Generally when ointment is religiously applied such wounds heal, but it takes time as they heal from the outside inwards. This time of year it is probably not a problem, but it is necessary to keep flies away from the injury. Good luck.
I wasn’t sure if I should leave it open to the air and also was wary of putting ointment onto a exposed skull.
I think it does need stitches to be honest but the cost would be astronomical and sadly and I may get shot down for this, I’d not be willing to pay out £100 for that. I had a vet tend to a chicken before several years ago and cost me a bomb to be told there’s a possibility the issue will come back which it did and had to dispatch.
Scalping injuries are common in quail. I have had several, i did not bandage them and they all lived. Some had so much swelling they could not see for a day or so. They all lived. They were not as bad as you describe but if you can keep the wound from getting infected your duck should be fine.
Thank you. Did you use anything on the wound like antibiotic cream? I’m just concerned about putting anything on a skull! Or just clean daily? She’s drinking regularly which is good but not eaten yet.
I would probably avoid ointments or creams inside the wound. If you haven't already, giving the wound one good clean-out sounds like a good idea to reduce infection risk. You could try hydrogen peroxide or even just sterile saline to clear any dead tissue or debris. These items could be picked up at a local pharmacy.

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