Saxony duck. Male or Female?


6 Years
May 11, 2013
Too young to voice sex yet. But thought I could get your opinion. I heard that males at this age get a dark Burgundy or maroon chest but otherwise look the same as the females. I'm struggling with mine as in some light it looks like a buff khaki color, in other light it looks red tinted. What do you see? Make or female?
I've voice sexed my ducks at 3 weeks. Will update if its accurate, but they're about 6-7 weeks old and sounds the same (1 drake, 1 hen).
Very cute boy

Quote from Boggy Bottoms -

Vent sex them!
You can tell at one day old if you have a good eye for it.
If not by now you can tell easily.
Here's how to do it, it may take a little practice, but you'll get the hang of it.

1) pick them up and turn them over on their backs.
2) gently spread the feathers and fuzz off their vent, (poop area)
3) arch the tail forward toward its head with your fingers, while gently opening the vent with your thumbs and index fingers.
(I promise this isnt a nasty as it sounds)
4) Now look at the opening, if its a girl, there will be nothing there, however if you have a boy, a tiny little worm looking version of a penis will pop out, usually black or red in color, but not always.

After a time or two, it gets to be second nature and you can do it with ease. If you have girls to start, you may think you are doing it wrong, but once you get a boy, you'll know for sure you did it right.
Good luck,
voice and bill color also works, but it take way more time for the bird to mature for you to tell this way.
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