Sassiest Boy Contest - Ends May 31, 2023



Feb 3, 2023
Do you have a saucy rooster with little man syndrome? Does your gander make a big fuss over little things? Your jake think he’s a tom already? Then this is the contest for you!

The Sassiest Rooster Contest is an all-breeds poultry contest for the month of May. Show off your personality packed fella and tell us why you think he’s the drama king to end all drama kings!

Here’s his chance to make himself useful too! The grand prize is a Kebbonix 12-egg incubator from Amazon. (Not sponsored by Amazon, that’s just where I’m buying it from). Theres prizes for second and third too! Check them out below.

1. Must be picture(s) that you took yourself
2. Must be a rooster/cockerel/Tom/Jake/Drake/etc.
3. Open to all types of poultry
4. Only up to 3 pictures of the SAME boy for an entry. Please put them all in the same single post to keep things orderly. Pictures submitted separately will not be counted.
5. Only one entry per person
6. You must share at least 1 small story about him in your post. See example below.

Name: Pixar
Breed: Mutt of all kinds x Demon Spawn
Age: 2.5 years
Story: Pixar is a giant rooster in a bantam body. He was originally named Pixel and thought to be a girl. He took a ridiculous amount of time to crow, probably because he was afraid of being clobbered by the other two Roos he was raised with. It was a shock to us all when he turned out to be a boy. Consistently #3 in the male pecking order, he spent his early days running away from literally all of the rest of the flock and then trying to chase everything that wasn’t a chicken in order to reclaim his manliness. He was a ferocious boot chaser until he tried that number with Grandpa and was promptly booted halfway across the horse pasture. His crowning glory was when he was finally moved out of his misery into his own run with three of the smaller female hens (still larger than he is) that he now pretends to rule with an iron fist when any humans are watching. Extremely brave through the fence but a scaredy cat once you open the door.

Grand Prize: Kebbonix 12-egg forced air incubator with automatic egg turner (This One specifically)
Second Prize: Egg collecting apron - adult OR kids size. Your choice. ((This one)
Third Prize: HBLife Egg candler ((This one)

Right now the judges consist of myself and my best friend. However, if you’d really like to be involved and don’t have an entry, you’re more than welcome to message me and let me know you’d like to help judge too!
Name: not named.
Age: around a year I think.
Breed: Cuckoo Belgian Bearded d'Anver
Story: I got him from @Show Sebright she had to get a pair to get a hen so I took him. He is very feisty any time you go in the pen he tries to attack but if you try to touch him he will leave you alone. He loves my Cornish bantam and won best RCCL bantam rooster at fair
Name: Jameson
Breed: Splash project Cochin
Age: 1 yr
Story: Jameson wasn't going to stay here as I already had a roo and didn't need 2. He made sure to kiss up to me before showing who he was. He was the first on my lap or shoulder when I opened the brooder door and I fell in love. Then his comb and wattles started to grow.... Well he already stole my heart so he stayed. He tries to act tough and will chase the ladies but if one turns around to face him he will run away as fast as he can. He is HUGE and towers over the ladies and my other roo but is so afraid of all of them. Haahaa. I went to pet one of the ladies when I went to check on them one night and he bit me good! He learned not to do that again though. But with all the side eyes he gives and his intimidating size he has the biggest heart. He always calls the ladies when I come in with treats, he will go sit in the nest box or outside of it to support his ladies. I have chicks brooding in my coop and let them out in the coop with supervision and was worried when he came in. Well he called them over for something he found and let them bite his face. The other day the brooder door was open and he noticed their food so he ducked in and called the babies over to eat.


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Name: has none
Breed: Golden Sebright Bantam
Age 3 years
Story: One night my oldest daughter and her friends stopped at Rual King and bought this guy and a Leghorn and two others that are hens I still have all four. This little guy hangs with a Big Brown Sex Link Rooster I have I raised as chick as well he’s a little younger but he gets along so well with the flock and he can be Sassy sometimes.

Name: not named.
Age: around a year I think.
Breed: Cuckoo Belgian Bearded d'Anver
Story: I got him from @Show Sebright she had to get a pair to get a hen so I took him. He is very feisty any time you go in the pen he tries to attack but if you try to touch him he will leave you alone. He loves my Cornish bantam and won best RCCL bantam rooster at fairView attachment 3489287
Such a pretty boy!
Name: Little Blue
Breed: Cochin Bantam (aka Pekin)
Age: 1 year

Story: Little Blue came to us as a chick, just a few days old. My daughter was sure she'd picked four females, so of course we ended up with three cockerels and one pullet, lol! He was always small, even for his breed, but he quickly showed us he had BIG PERSONALITY. Of course, in the chicken world, that often also means BIG ATTITUDE. He was always friendly, even with my grandson who tried to teach him how to fly (by throwing him up in the air). Of course, we thought he was a pullet. Until the wattles and comb came in. Even then, we kept hoping 'she' was just maturing fast (okay, my daughter kept hoping, I was pretty sure we had a little mister on our hands), but then came the first attempts at crowing. Still, he remained friendly, hopping onto our backs and shoulders and enjoying being held and pet. This was a ruse! First picture is him on my shoulder, just before he tried pecking my eye. Unfortunately (or fortunately for him!) we lost the other two cockerels, and since to my daughter he can do no wrong, he stayed.
This year, as a full-fledged rooster, he still likes to hop onto shoulders and backs, and try to peck eyes. He also tries to impress the ladies by standing up to our EE roo, although he's smart enough not to mess with Big Red (yes, I'm very original with naming them!). And he's gotten me but good once when I told him it was bed time and he refused to go in, giving me quite a painful bite as I pushed him into the coop and tried to close the door!
I try to think of him when he was younger, so friendly and loving, before I knew he had little devil horns hiding under those feathers!



Name: Pearl
Breed: Silkie Bantam
Age: 9 months
Story: Ever since he was a chick, he's been DESPERATE for attention from people or from the hens. If he wants something from you, he will bite and tug on your pant legs (or your fingers if they are available). Growls at everything that moves. I'm super in love with my huge Golden Laced Wyandotte and will do anything for her attention (she is scared of him). He shows off every tiny piece of food he can find. Will tackle people until they get bruises. One time, i shoved him back and got so offended that he started crowing OVER and OVER. He has his snuggly moments but of course he has to be sassy about it, he will start panting dramatically if you dare stop and once he's done he's done, he'll suddenly bite you and run off.
I still love my sassy boy though I don't know what I'd do without him
Name: Stripes
Breed: Belgian d’Anvers
Age: 3 years
Stripes might be my favorite chicken.
He loves attention and will dance and crow and even attack you just to get attention. He enjoys being held and touched.
He once had a quail d’Anvers wife named Sally, he was faithful to her in a way I have never witnessed in a rooster.
They always slept next to each other in the rafters. Stripes was always more interested in her than she was in him. He’ll alway be seen tidbitting and watching her obsessively lovingly while she is just going about her business. Unfortunately for Stripes, Mom locked him up for a while for his aggression. When he came back out he discovered she had not remained faithful to him in his absence. Now they are exes but I still see they hanging out together sometimes. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him breed anyone but Sally but he has courted Love Bird, a black d’Anvers hen. Stripes is a talented flier and loves to look down on people, even the pigeons. He can often be found in the rafters or on the pigeon loft or in other high places. The other day I saw him running around in the rain, just because.


Dancing next to a Delaware cockerel and making him uncomfortable
On a family member’s head
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Name: Charlie
Breed: American Buff
Age: 1 year
Story: Charlie was a mild mannered and shy young gander until breeding season hormones hit him HARD! He first began hissing at us and making angry flute noises. This would have been funny, but he began attacking us with all his might and honking. He will bite your calves and behind the kneecaps with his strong beak. I have gotten many a dark, painful bruise from this. Also, if you restrain the bill you get the wings, beating you and painfully powerful. There is no escape when you are doing work, he is relentless, so I find myself locking him up while doing chores. To make matters worse, while Cocoa sat on the nest in the shed and he was outside, if I so much as made eye contact with her she would honk the alert and Charlie would come running in. If you try to touch Charlie’s neck he reaches it toward your hand to bite you.
Meanwhile, he is in love with my dad. He sings to my dad and runs around silly following my dad around. And he curls his neck when Dad reaches towards it. He loves Dad’s pets.
Fortunately Cocoa’ gosling has hatched (all that work and only one gosling hatched.) Charlie likes taking it for escapades outside along with Cocoa. Together they coparent.
And Charlie no longer attacks me. He seems to think parenting is too exhausting to attack with all his might. He hisses but I think he wouldn’t try to attack anymore unless I came close to his child. But he still attacks Mom, I guess.

Name: not named.
Age: around a year I think.
Breed: Cuckoo Belgian Bearded d'Anver
Story: I got him from @Show Sebright she had to get a pair to get a hen so I took him. He is very feisty any time you go in the pen he tries to attack but if you try to touch him he will leave you alone. He loves my Cornish bantam and won best RCCL bantam rooster at fairView attachment 3489287
D’Anver gang!

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