Sapphire Gem not Laying?


Apr 19, 2022
Eastern Washington

It’s march and I have 6 hens. 4 I got at about 6 months old, 1 I’ve had since she was a chick, and my final one. My sapphire gem, I got on Craigslist from a local. I cannot remember if they stated her age or not, but I don’t remember her being mentioned as old.

So currently 5 of my 6 hens are laying and I’m trying to figure out why my Sapphire Gem - Kewpie (like the mayonnaise) is her name - she won’t lay. She is extremely skittish and I’ve had her since November. She is very energetic and talkative. Is she just late to the party or is there another reason for this?
I have kept track of my girls very closely, I have an EE who lays, a Houdan who lays the biggest stark white eggs, a silkie who has obviously small creamy white eggs, and my 2 lavendar orpingtons who are currently laying! I have yet to see any and she doesn’t squat at all and very skittish. When I got her she appeared to be an adult and going through a molt! Let me see if I have a photo from when I got her. (Excuse the mess, this is on my way home the day I got her)

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