Sally's GF3 thread

This storm was not much for around here. To the north, there are thousands without power.

The next storm is slated for Friday into Saturday. Unless something socks it in the nose, it'll be a doozy. 10-14" of snow and 20-45 mph winds.

The winds aren't very strong (compare to what some are getting), but man, can they make drifts! Especially with that much snow. And then, the bottom falls out on the temps for 4-5 days. Low teens for highs, single digits for lows, and -5 to -25 F windchill.

I told DH we need to top off the gas tank on the generator, go to town and fill the gas can, and I need another bale of pine shavings for the coop. I want to add to the padding on the floor, give the chickens something to make fluffy bowls in to hunker down and stay warm next week.

I'm betting we won't be going out for lunch on Friday. That's hubby's birthday, and we had plans to get together with our usual "gang of 5" at our favorite Mexican restaurant.

He and I are the same age for a month, and then i get older again. Yeah, I robbed the cradle. :lau
Hubby and I are the same age for about 3 weeks before I get older than him again too!
This storm was not much for around here. To the north, there are thousands without power.

The next storm is slated for Friday into Saturday. Unless something socks it in the nose, it'll be a doozy. 10-14" of snow and 20-45 mph winds.

The winds aren't very strong (compare to what some are getting), but man, can they make drifts! Especially with that much snow. And then, the bottom falls out on the temps for 4-5 days. Low teens for highs, single digits for lows, and -5 to -25 F windchill.

I told DH we need to top off the gas tank on the generator, go to town and fill the gas can, and I need another bale of pine shavings for the coop. I want to add to the padding on the floor, give the chickens something to make fluffy bowls in to hunker down and stay warm next week.

I'm betting we won't be going out for lunch on Friday. That's hubby's birthday, and we had plans to get together with our usual "gang of 5" at our favorite Mexican restaurant.

He and I are the same age for a month, and then i get older again. Yeah, I robbed the cradle. :lau
My dh and I were born on the same day, same year, two months apart. He robbed the cradle. ;)
View attachment 3723076
Picture, even with enhanced contrast, doesn't do this justice. Very pretty out there.

Hubby went out later with his "real" camera. Both of us think 4x5, black and white, "real" photo paper in the darkroom... yeah. Maybe seeing stuff like this will encourage him to finish the darkroom?!?!
I love photography. I still have my SLRs.
I still have my SLRs.
Me too. I'm not sure if the gaskets are all still light tight, so I'd have to try it and see.

Hubby has his SLR and 2 4x5 cameras. If/when I replace my (old!) iphone, it'll be because it breaks and is non-repairable. When that happens, I want a phone with a (much) better camera. And that won't be hard, as they have come a long way, quickly.

A photographer friend of mine bought a $1400 phone because of the camera for her trip to Italy. She knew she would have times when she couldn't get her camera out and set up, and there would be a lot of candid shots she'd miss.

She showed me photos on her camera, and yeah, they look nice.
The gas tank on the generator is full. The 5 gallon gas can is full. We're as ready as we'll ever be. The lunch out tomorrow is cancelled. We'll reschedule it for another Friday.

I'll make hubby a birthday pie. Lemon/lime meringue pie. 3 eggs.

A loaf of gluten free bread. 3 eggs.

A frittata. 12-14 eggs.

And we'll still have eggs on the counter. :yesss:
If I have to hard boil a bunch, well, so be it! :lau
I like my eggs soft boiled,,,, @3 minutes. But they have to be eaten warm. :drool:drool:drool.... Hardboiled are good for placing on finger food sandies:frow
Below shows cooled semi soft eggs :yesss:

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While getting "provisions" before the storm at the store yesterday, I splurged on a silicone egg rack for my Instant Pot. Next time I hard boil eggs, I'll use it.

I boiled eggs in the IP once before. A couple of shells cracked, and I thought it might be due to them lying on their sides on the trivet and rolling...? So maybe if they stand up, they'll cook better.
A friend of mine lives in Allegan County, MI. She texted me that Allegan County Health Department is telling people not to shovel, as they might have a heart attack. She said they didn't specify any group of people, like those with heart conditions, just "people."

I think Allegan County wants to help the economy: snow blowers cost more than shovels.

I wave to them with a single finger. I got a great cardio workout shoveling. Later, I'll go workout on my elliptical.

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