Sally's GF3 thread

How long of time between these two eggs?
Is the big one a double yolker?
There were 8 days between them, and yes, the big one was a double yolker. And delicious for breakfast! :drool

I think the next to lay will be Button, my Blue Australorp pullet. She has been checking out the nest box on occasion. I thought she had started when I got an egg that was significantly paler than Robin's, but I think it was just a glitch in Robin's paint booth.
I hope you don't make them that size often, girgirli
At least one of my Marans pullets are laying double yolks too.
We gave some eggs to my BIL who used to raise Buff Orpingtons. He said wow the shells are hard and some had 2 yolks. What are you feeding them???

I told him just good feed and lots of love.

But yeah, I hope that it doesn't happen too often. Ouch!

I got a "bakers" scale at the grocery store. $20? It does grams, kilos, ounces, pounds. I use it to weigh the eggs and the flour for when I bake bread.

I never guessed that different flours could differ so much in weight per volume. Gluten Free flour is a lot denser than bread flour. I had to tweak my GF recipe when I settled on a certain GF flour.

Oddly enough, I use 338 grams of my GF flour to make my small GF loaf. I also use 338 grams of all purpose wheat flour to make hubby's big loaf. Must mean we're made for each other... 😍👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
I got a "bakers" scale at the grocery store. $20? It does grams, kilos, ounces, pounds. I use it to weigh the eggs and the flour for when I bake bread.

I never guessed that different flours could differ so much in weight per volume. Gluten Free flour is a lot denser than bread flour. I had to tweak my GF recipe when I settled on a certain GF flour.

Oddly enough, I use 338 grams of my GF flour to make my small GF loaf. I also use 338 grams of all purpose wheat flour to make hubby's big loaf. Must mean we're made for each other... 😍👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
After Chistmas I'll be looking me a scale.

Does gluten free also mean low carb?

I noticed that GF bread @cavemanrich posted a couple pages back looked like it said 1 carb per slice.

Trying to help hubby with his A1c. Every little bit helps.
Does gluten free also mean low carb?
No, not at all, unfortunately. Gluten is a particular protein in wheat, barley, and rye grains. It's also what makes dough behave like, well, dough. Stretchy, elastic; able to rise and have a nice chewy texture, or be light and airy.

Gluten free bread needs lots of help from different grains and gums (like xanthan gum), and tends to be heavy and dense. It can be acceptable for toast, but you won't mistake it for nice chewy pizza crust.

Kind of like when I'd play Debussey's Claire de Lune on the piano. You might recognize the piece, but you probably won't ask me to play it.

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