Sally's GF3 thread

Thank you, everyone!
^^This sums up what Thanksgiving should be! :love

Thanksgiving is a holiday that has "gotten lost" in the mad dash to Christmas. We (the general "we") use it as an excuse to eat too much, to go spend money, to watch football. We've even renamed it "Turkey Day," and shortened that to "T-Day," because everything needs an acronym now.

Nope. I decided I'm going to type out Thanksgiving every time. To remind me that I am thankful for all that I have, material, but especially non-material.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Safe travels for wherever you're going.
Pepperidge Farm stuffing
The only, or at least the best, kind in my book.
I've baked it up in a ramekin, and use it on top of mac and cheese casserole.

Thanksgiving is a holiday that has "gotten lost" in the mad dash to Christmas.
Not to mention the nefarious origins.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! The stuffing came out good, smelled like stuffing but not a realistic fake lol.

Chop 2 carrots, 2 celery stalks, 1/2 onion, mushrooms and sautee in oil. When onions are translucent, add chunks of cauliflower and sage/rosemary/salt, with 1 cup of broth. Cook another 15 minutes covered, then add to the oven at 450 for about 10 minutes to brown the top. I did it all in my Dutch oven so I only used 1 pot. It has the same flavor as stuffing but will probably not satisfy someone who is dead set on the bread kind. For me, it was a delicious side that I can actually eat, so I was happy with it!
Thanks for the recipe!

I read on the wrapper of the turkey I bought that it "may contain up to 9.5% (!!!!) water/brine."

So I added very little salt to the stuffing, thinking it might absorb salt from the bird. (Yes, I stuffed the bird. I checked the temp, and it was 173 in the middle of the stuffing, so I'm comfortable eating it.)

The stuffing was bland; it needed the salt. Well, I can always add salt, but if it's too salty, I can't take it out.

I was irked that the turkey did NOT have a neck inside, with the giblets. I use that to make broth for the gravy. So I did what a friend of mine does: Use a couple cups of water from boiling the potatoes, add the drippings from the pan, thicken as needed. The gravy was delicious! It didn't need salt, which is a first, but the 9.5% water/brine in the turkey probably had something to do with it. ;)

Everything is cleaned up and put away. Lots of tasty leftovers in the next few days.

Oh, that lack of turkey neck? Like that's something to complain about? :smackPoor, poor pitiful me. (Sing it, Linda Ronstadt!)
Thanks for the recipe!

I read on the wrapper of the turkey I bought that it "may contain up to 9.5% (!!!!) water/brine."

So I added very little salt to the stuffing, thinking it might absorb salt from the bird. (Yes, I stuffed the bird. I checked the temp, and it was 173 in the middle of the stuffing, so I'm comfortable eating it.)

The stuffing was bland; it needed the salt. Well, I can always add salt, but if it's too salty, I can't take it out.

I was irked that the turkey did NOT have a neck inside, with the giblets. I use that to make broth for the gravy. So I did what a friend of mine does: Use a couple cups of water from boiling the potatoes, add the drippings from the pan, thicken as needed. The gravy was delicious! It didn't need salt, which is a first, but the 9.5% water/brine in the turkey probably had something to do with it. ;)

Everything is cleaned up and put away. Lots of tasty leftovers in the next few days.

Oh, that lack of turkey neck? Like that's something to complain about? :smackPoor, poor pitiful me. (Sing it, Linda Ronstadt!)
This year we got a Butterball (on sale).

They did include the neck, but the bird didn't look right, like it was improperly cut. There was some neck still attached.

And no pop-up timer, two years in a row.

But the pies came out well.


I recall a "no pop up timer" turkey a couple years ago. I have an instant read thermometer, and I love how handy it is. It can fill in for the pop up, no worries. Stab it in the side of the breast (but don't touch the bone), wait 5 seconds, turn it on. 165F in the breast, and it's done.

The lemon pie is as yet uncut. The meringue looks a mess. Yes, I sealed it to the edge of the crust. Nope, didn't matter. It's pulled away, weeping, and hubby doesn't care, because it will taste ok.
27 days until the Winter Solstice!

It gets light so late and dark so early this time of year. I feel hemmed in.

Today was bright and sunny most of the day. And cold; it barely got above freezing. Two walks with Freya, and a nap. Pretty much sums up the day.

And, Thanksgiving leftovers! :droolAll the flavor, none of the work. :lau
My neighbor (with too many chickens) is gone on vacation until the end of the month. Her mom is caring for the birds. This afternoon, I got a text from mom saying she found two chickens dead in the run. Heads removed, but next to the bodies. Not much if any blood.

She's thinking raccoon(s) are most likely responsible. I agree.

The predator will almost certainly be back. The resident predator keeper-awayer is an aging pitbull who is staying with mom. He usually roams at night, but not now, as it's too cold at night for him to wander. There is no roof over the run, and I think most or all of the fence is chicken wire. Not to mention the trees near the run; easy climbing, jump to the coop roof, jump in. Or just tear through the chicken wire or push/pull open the door.

This is not how I think her flock numbers should be reduced. But it might how they are.
Thank you, everyone!

^^This sums up what Thanksgiving should be! :love

Thanksgiving is a holiday that has "gotten lost" in the mad dash to Christmas. We (the general "we") use it as an excuse to eat too much, to go spend money, to watch football. We've even renamed it "Turkey Day," and shortened that to "T-Day," because everything needs an acronym now.

Nope. I decided I'm going to type out Thanksgiving every time. To remind me that I am thankful for all that I have, material, but especially non-material.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Safe travels for wherever you're going.
I hope everyone here had a good Thanksgiving. I got to spend it with some of my family. Grateful for that.

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