sadly Mad has to go


Dec 10, 2023
Southern California
Sadly, I live in a city that does not allow Roosters. Maude is now known as Mad...I was a little Mad when Maude started crowing. I planned to return him to the place he had been purchased. I am sad to say they won't take him until February when they are licensed to have him again. I have another feed store that is attached to a Rescue that picks up on Sundays only. Christmas and New Year's have delayed that possibility. Mad is beginning to crow a lot. I have a neighbor from hell who so far hasn't said anything but I don't want to test it.

I live in Southern California, does anyone have any suggestions on how to find him a home? He is 4 months with an additional week or two. He gets prettier every day. He eats out of my hand and comes running when he sees me. He has an endearing personality. I am bummed I can't keep him as is my husband.


  • Mad4+months.jpg
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That's too bad. He's gorgeous!

What I do to peddle my chicks and sometimes roosters is post their pictures in my local Facebook poultry groups. There's about 5 of them I'm in for our state or area of my state.

I've also had some luck a couple times with Craigs List.

I wish you the best as that's heartwrenching!
That's too bad. He's gorgeous!

What I do to peddle my chicks and sometimes roosters is post their pictures in my local Facebook poultry groups. There's about 5 of them I'm in for our state or area of my state.

I've also had some luck a couple times with Craigs List.

I wish you the best as that's heartwrenching!
Thank you Debbie. I will check into these ideas. Sigh, he is now tapping on my slider for a treat, which he does every night just before it is Roosting time. I am going to miss him.
Mad went to his new home on Saturday. I listed him on Craigslist and was contacted by a man who said he had Buff Orpingtons who needed a husband. The report was that initially, his new girls ran from him. That is until he mounted one of them. From that point, all of his new flock started following him around. There was no hanky panky while he as here. He was between 4 and 5 months old. My girls are about the same age. Being new to raising chickens I have no clue if this is typical behavior or his new owner was trying to make me feel better!
Sadly, I live in a city that does not allow Roosters. Maude is now known as Mad...I was a little Mad when Maude started crowing. I planned to return him to the place he had been purchased. I am sad to say they won't take him until February when they are licensed to have him again. I have another feed store that is attached to a Rescue that picks up on Sundays only. Christmas and New Year's have delayed that possibility. Mad is beginning to crow a lot. I have a neighbor from hell who so far hasn't said anything but I don't want to test it.

I live in Southern California, does anyone have any suggestions on how to find him a home? He is 4 months with an additional week or two. He gets prettier every day. He eats out of my hand and comes running when he sees me. He has an endearing personality. I am bummed I can't keep him as is my husband.
He is a beauty.

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