Runny nose, watery eyes....what to do!!!!

After spending several days dipping my little chicks beak in a mixture of boiled egg yolk and water and alternating that with a mixture of yogurt and water, she finally has taking a turn for the better. I really thought she was a dehydrated her feathers felt brittle. Anyway, I also bathed her crusty eyes with warm water and then after someone posted that I could use human eye drops on chickens, I used some that were for allergies. Boy, that did the trick for her eyes! Being able to keep the crust out of her eyes, she really picked up and started eating alot! So, now she is back with her flock and playing outside. She needs to catch up with her weight, but at least she is better. Meanwhile, the older chickens finally left the roost and ventured outside so I think they are all getting better, too. However, now I think my rooster has it for he did not crow one time today, nor did he chase any of the girls! Poor baby. But he is very robust and I believe he will be back to himself soon!

Thanks to all of your suggestions! By the way, I got some of that Tylan 50 but didn't use it because it said for cattle and swine only. Do you guys still use it for poultry or did I get the wrong one?
Glad she is feeling better. Tylan is for cattle but we.use it on chickens because there are very little medications labled for chickens. Do research on respiratory infections as many of them will lay dormant then reappear later on.

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