Ruby is unwell :(

Thank you! She is DEFINITELY not well. I just keep getting videos of her when she has a burst of energy. And YES, she is slightly limping. Didn’t see that at first. Here she is right now while everyone runs around foraging. I did see her eat just a little feed. Yay!
Thank you. The Fish Mox, if they will even ship it here (no confirmation yet) won’t even SHIP until Tuesday. Ruby is panting. I just gave her some nutridrench with an adult low dose (same as baby) aspirin crushed in it by dripping it on her beak, but she didn’t take all of it. Thinking I should let her rest/sleep. I may give her a warm epsom salt soak in the morning if she seems strong enough. I’m worried the antibiotics, if they even come, won’t come quick enough. Will look into those other shipping possibilities mentioned in this thread.

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