Roosting Issues


Mar 5, 2023
We have 11 chickens. 10 are hens and one cockerel. I have had them all since they were chicks, they are all about 8 months old. 8 of the chickens roost on the one side of the coop. We have two roosting bars each about 4 foot across. They are about 4 feet apart at the same height. One on the left side of the coop and one on the right side of the coop. It is a mixed flock the 8 chickens that are roosting together are: 2 black marans, 2 rhode island reds, 3 easter eggers, and the cockerel which was supposed to be a starlight green egger. They all go on that one side and will not split up and go onto the other side. On the other roost there was two barred rocks, however one is much smaller than the other now and the larger one growls at the other if I put her up on the roost. We have a golden comet who has not been roosting for about 2 months. If I throw her up on the side with the 8 chickens she is fine, but will not go on her own. She will go sleep in a nesting box or on the floor-I would rather her be on a roost. Tonight I tried to throw her up with the barred rock and she went and pecked/bit the larger barred rock and made her get off the roost. Every time she would try to jump back up the golden comet would peck and bite her and make her get back down. So I took the golden comet down and threw her up with the 8 chickens.

I figured that there is enough room on the one roost since it is 4 foot across and only 1 possibly 2 chickens on it, but apparently not. Do I need to add another roost down lower? Any suggestions on how to get the golden comet to roost on her own and fix the squabbling between my larger barred rock and my smaller one who just wants to cuddle? haha. We are in south eastern NC and it is starting to get cold at night-I want to make sure that the chickens that aren't cuddling all together stay warm.

Thank you!
perch partitions.
I used wood screws to screw them to the perch supports. The partitions really work. I have one in my rooster coop, but most of the time, the two boys are good pals and like to snuggle together on the perch, but when they are on the outs, they do position themselves on each side of the partition.
We have 11 chickens. 10 are hens and one cockerel. I have had them all since they were chicks, they are all about 8 months old. 8 of the chickens roost on the one side of the coop. We have two roosting bars each about 4 foot across. They are about 4 feet apart at the same height. One on the left side of the coop and one on the right side of the coop. It is a mixed flock the 8 chickens that are roosting together are: 2 black marans, 2 rhode island reds, 3 easter eggers, and the cockerel which was supposed to be a starlight green egger. They all go on that one side and will not split up and go onto the other side. On the other roost there was two barred rocks, however one is much smaller than the other now and the larger one growls at the other if I put her up on the roost. We have a golden comet who has not been roosting for about 2 months. If I throw her up on the side with the 8 chickens she is fine, but will not go on her own. She will go sleep in a nesting box or on the floor-I would rather her be on a roost. Tonight I tried to throw her up with the barred rock and she went and pecked/bit the larger barred rock and made her get off the roost. Every time she would try to jump back up the golden comet would peck and bite her and make her get back down. So I took the golden comet down and threw her up with the 8 chickens.

I figured that there is enough room on the one roost since it is 4 foot across and only 1 possibly 2 chickens on it, but apparently not. Do I need to add another roost down lower? Any suggestions on how to get the golden comet to roost on her own and fix the squabbling between my larger barred rock and my smaller one who just wants to cuddle? haha. We are in south eastern NC and it is starting to get cold at night-I want to make sure that the chickens that aren't cuddling all together stay warm.

Thank you!
i have 7 hens. When i check at roost time, I see only 3 hens roosting. Most like the nest boxes. Fine by me. i know all 7 went into the henhouse, what they do from there is not my business. The roost time drama is REAL! i had (2) eight foot roost bars and ended up with 2 hens that hurt their legs from jumping back and forth from roosts and knocking each other down. I love spending time with my hens and I do it every chance i get which is often. I do not however stick around for Roost time. Its way to dramatic and it makes me crazy. I let them figure it out. After 3 years, i still see all of them tryin' their best, so I will too.


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How did this end up playing out? Are they roosting now? 8 feet of roost space for 11 chickens is not enough length. They need at least a foot per bird. Once they are settled and condensed one next to the other, they take up less room than that, but you need to account for them maneuvering and getting into position, they need to have extra room to do that, since they can't insert themselves perfectly into the few inches they will ultimately take up once settled. The more extra room you have, the less chance for drama. 8 birds on a 4-foot roost on that one side is too many for the roost. If the golden comet is lower ranking than those 8 chickens (sounds like she is), they won't let her get up there. They may not let her even with a longer roost, but with such a short roost and them having to muscle their way in position on it, there's no way she can get a spot. She seems higher ranking than the barred rocks on the other side though, that's why she's acting aggressive when she's there. Often low-ranking birds who get bossed around by the majority of the flock will overcompensate by being extra mean to anybody who ranks under them, to take out their frustration. Give them more roost length, ideally at the same height. Can you attach a third roost to the other two, across the wall between them, for a П shape? (pictures of your setup would really help here).

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