Roosters crowing, when do they start?


Crossing the Road
6 Years
Apr 6, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
What specific age do roosters start crowing at? I know mine is 14 weeks the only one I have raised as a chick and he hasn't started at all yet. He tried once at 4 weeks of age but never after that. When did all of your roos start? Any answers appreciated.
all depends. I've seen videos of week old chicks baby crowing, and there are some who wait forever. If you have an older roo, that will have a big part in it, as the younger cockerel will see the older roo as dominant and won't crow.
all depends. I've seen videos of week old chicks baby crowing, and there are some who wait forever. If you have an older roo, that will have a big part in it, as the younger cockerel will see the older roo as dominant and won't crow.
that explains everything! But I never would have thought that he still wouldnt even in a separate coop.
that explains everything! But I never would have thought that he still wouldnt even in a separate coop.

Fence or no, your cockerel won't speak up for fear of a thrashing from the dominant roo. Once his hormones start really kicking though, he'll probably take the chance... and also try to mate if he's not already.

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