Rooster - When is optimal time in the morning to let him out of the coop into the pen?


Oct 23, 2019
New York
My objective is to reduce his morning crows in order to keep him! He is the only roo in the flock... So far, I've trying to let him out around sunrise - that helps with crows after letting out; I also tried to let them out an hour before the sunrise, which didn't seem to help. As the ladies didn't want to get out (due to cold weather or avoid being harassed?), he then crowed more and louder (as in the open pen compared to the coop). Quite a struggle!

Otherwise, my roo is such a sweet, cowardly yes, but very sweet, talking care of the ladies and giving them any treats he found...

Any suggestion about a better time to let them out of the coop into the pen? I'll continue to try to shift the time 30 minutes earlier. Hopefully the warm weather will help too.
What is the exact problem?
If he’s locked in in the morning he is crowing more loudly and you want to avoid that?

In that case i would buy an automatic pop door opener that works on light (lumen). The chickens are safe in the coop that way against night predators. And they can go out as soon as the sun is up, or 15 minutes before or after.
Controlling a rooster crowing is not terribly successful. They crow...some crow a lot, some only occasionally. I think they tend to crow a bit less with age, but a more powerful crow.

I have read of drastic measures taken, where as they keep him in a sound proof box at night. Really that is beyond me. Some people swear by the no crow collar, and some swear AT the no crow collar.

My point though is that when you let him out, is really not going to do anything. Mine crow on the roost, on the ground, in the run...

Mrs K
Thank you all for sharing your viewpoints.

My rooster doesn't crow a lot during the day. He makes much lower tones in the yard when he is preoccupied with the ladies and many birds (esp. ravens, airplanes and sometimes hawks) which all make him on high alert.

I notice that he crows more when he wants to get out (as I lock them inside the pen during cloudy days when hawks are flying low).

The other thing I notice is that he becomes restless at dawn when the ladies still want to nap, then he crows more... I think it sounds less loud as it comes out of windows. So not sure whether I should open the door earlier or later than the sunrise, Thus the Q.

Tried the collar, didn't work for him nor me. Talked to a few neighbors and bribed them with eggs, so far no complaints. But I'm a bit over conscious about the noise. I guess..
Talked to a few neighbors and bribed them with eggs, so far no complaints. But I'm a bit over conscious about the noise. I guess..

I had a rooster in town.

One neighbor liked the crowing because he'd grown up on a farm. He brought his grandchildren over to see my chickens.

The other neighbor figured that they didn't mind our rooster if we didn't mind their muscle car.

Collars are hazardous. I think a seperate coop where you put the rooster in after sunset is a better solution for the rooster because his crowing is no problem during the day. Just let him free in the morning at a convenient time after the girls are awake.

I know someone who had 2-3 roosters in a special coop and she said it works great. Because you’re rooster will be alone in that rooster-coop it needs less ventilation (pipes low and high, no direct sunlight) , you can use noise isolation and make it quit dark.

Rooster cage with pictures
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