
7 Years
Jul 23, 2012
There was only supposed to be one rooster in my flock (Yeah right!
) Now I'm the insane chicken girl in my nieghborhood with the 11 roosters! Roosters are all very different, each with thier own habits and mannerisms. Now let's post pictures, ask questions, critique each other and share stories of the guys in our flocks! I haven't seen a thread specifically to appreciate roosters and I know we all love them for one reason or another!!!
I thought I had a lot of roosters with a count of nine. Fortunately, I live far away from the neighbors so the crowing does not bother any one. (BTW, I would have put this thread in the section of the forum called "stories and pictures of my chickens" because you would get more responses there.)

Yes roosters do have colorful personalities and plumage. Here is Nestor little roo the rooster:

our lone rooster Benny, is about 5 months and he is treading our 5 hens so much we are buying them saddles, do you know if a rooster will calm down as he ages?

This is 'Bird my 2 1/2 year old big guy! He's my only rooster and I luv him to death!!!! He's such a good boy. He sits on my shoulders a lot, wing dances me, brings me 'morsels' and generally luvs me too! He protects his 8 girls so well. He has even gone after my DH when we had an argument outside by the coop to protect me! (just general yelling at each other, but he could tell!) That is luv..... He rides the lawnmower with me once in awhile too... Can you picture it????? me on my Cub Cadet, beer in one hand, ipod in my ears, and a rooster on the steering wheel or on my lap...

Oh yea, and he lets me flip him over in my arms and tickle his belly like a baby and go 'coochy coochy cooooooo!!!!!!!!'..... I am such a moron.....Should have just had kids.
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Great photos of your rooster 'fishnet1971'!!! He's a red-star right? I'm going out on a limb here and I'm assuming he's really spoiled

This is Jonah. He's the head-honcho-hotshot on our farm. He generally gets whatever he wants...

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