Rooster standing/walking like a penguin - What's wrong?

its scaly leg mites. my rooster did the same thing around this time last year. i just used Adams mite and tick spray. I sprayed for a couple monthes, even after they were gone.
Where do you get ivermectin? I have never had a problem with parasites or any kind of bug. I dust the chicken house from ceiling to walls to floor with food grade Diatamaceous Earth as a preventative and also dust the chickens and put it in their food to prevent internal parasites. But I would like to maybe have ivermectin on hand just in case.
Ivermectin is the generic name of the drug, and it is cheaper than buying Ivomec. It is available at your vet's office, at large farm supply stores, and online. I just ordered some from Jeffers Supply and it was on sale. I am told the dosage for in-water application is 1 mL or 1cc per quart. Buy the injectable because it is water soluble. I am also told that can applied to the back of neck where it meets the back (like you would on a dog) at a rate of 3-5 drops per bird. However, too much can cause sterility, so you have to be cautious. My bird isn't dead, but still not completely better, so I don't know what effect this will all have in the end. I'm not even sure this is the right treatment. Since he does have parasites, and since it seems to have helped, and is also recommended periodically for healthy birds, I am continuing. Also, there is a minimum of a 2 weeks withdrawal for egg eating. Some people eat the eggs and report that they don't have any trouble. Others choose not to eat the eggs. The box warns against eating cattle treated with ivermectin within 49 days. So, keep withdrawal issues in mind when treating with ivermectin.
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Sorry I didn't answer this before....the "plus" is clorsulon 10% and is used to treat adult liver flukes. It has a short half life. When used on milking animals, milk can be consumed after 72 hours/6 milkings. So, personally, I would apply the same timing to consumption of eggs (some of my hens got some too, so I am tossing eggs laid within the 72 hours).

The roos' crop was fine. I don't know about the extra calcium. He hasn't had tons of layer feed -- they've gotten a lot of scratch, rye, and other stuff as well, being free range. But, if he never fully recovers, perhaps that is a possibility.
I know this thread is super old but I have a rooster with the exact same symptoms! Did he ever get better? Did you find out what was wrong? I need answers :(
I have a juvenile wild mallard duck who is standing like this. I have given him ivermectin with no change. Have felt over his legs, hips etc can’t find anything abnormal to the to inch. Apart from this weird posture he seems healthy. It’s been this way for probably almost two months now with no change so I don’t think it’s metal poisoning or botulism etc.
he can fly fine, but only walk really slowly else he basically loses his balance and toppled over. I have never seen this sort of thing in a duck before. I thu Got it might be some sort of air sac/buoyancy issue so a few days ago I put him in a bath full of water to see if he could float, and he appears to be able to float just fine. His eating, weight, nares, breathing, energy, poop etc all lo9k normal. Just this weird penguin like posture, both standing and walking, and if he tries to walk any faster than a very slow stroll he totally loses his balance and topples over.

Does anyone have any idea what it might be?

He’s had ivermectin early on (injectable strength placed on the skin under the wing) and has no other symptoms of parasites. His posture has been this way since at least 4-5 weeks.

I don’t have any photos at the moment but his stance, posture etc is exactly like the rooster in the first photos....

It’s been a few weeks since I gave him the ivermectin so I might give him another dose tomorrow and see what happens but can anyone thing if any non parasite related cause of that posture? From the posts on page two I am assuming the rooster was cured by ivermectin so had some sort of parasite... but would have thought this duck would have come right after the over ivermectin a few weeks back if that were the cause of his problems.
I have a juvenile wild mallard duck who is standing like this. I have given him ivermectin with no change. Have felt over his legs, hips etc can’t find anything abnormal to the to inch. Apart from this weird posture he seems healthy. It’s been this way for probably almost two months now with no change so I don’t think it’s metal poisoning or botulism etc.
he can fly fine, but only walk really slowly else he basically loses his balance and toppled over. I have never seen this sort of thing in a duck before. I thu Got it might be some sort of air sac/buoyancy issue so a few days ago I put him in a bath full of water to see if he could float, and he appears to be able to float just fine. His eating, weight, nares, breathing, energy, poop etc all lo9k normal. Just this weird penguin like posture, both standing and walking, and if he tries to walk any faster than a very slow stroll he totally loses his balance and topples over.

Does anyone have any idea what it might be?

He’s had ivermectin early on (injectable strength placed on the skin under the wing) and has no other symptoms of parasites. His posture has been this way since at least 4-5 weeks.

I don’t have any photos at the moment but his stance, posture etc is exactly like the rooster in the first photos....

It’s been a few weeks since I gave him the ivermectin so I might give him another dose tomorrow and see what happens but can anyone thing if any non parasite related cause of that posture? From the posts on page two I am assuming the rooster was cured by ivermectin so had some sort of parasite... but would have thought this duck would have come right after the over ivermectin a few weeks back if that were the cause of his problems.

start a thread here
and describe your problem, this thread is from 2011 but if you start a new thread you’re more likely to get answers.
A rooster standing completely upright like a penguin or runner duck and appearing sick could indicate a few potential issues. One possibility is Marek's disease, which affects the nervous system and can cause paralysis and abnormal posture.

- Symptoms: Paralysis (especially in wings or legs), abnormal posture (standing upright or hunched), weight loss, blindness, tumors.

Another possibility, however least likely cause is a respiratory infection, which could cause difficulty breathing and abnormal posture as the bird tries to alleviate discomfort. It's important to consult a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Hope this helps future owners, just wanted to contribute this to the thread. My bet is MAREKS DISEASE.
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