
Feb 10, 2022
Hi everyone! So here is my dilemma, I live with my parents while going to college and I have 4 younger siblings all under 8. We used to own a rooster that was friendly enough, but he'd attack the kids when they got close to him which made them never want to go outside when he was around. I really would like to incubate fertilized eggs, but my only option I can think of is keeling the rooster separate so I'm the only one around or to care for him. Is it possibly to get a rooster or multiple roosters and separate him but let him into the girls' run every so often to mate, then separate him again? Thanks!
Yes I've done that before. It worked fine. But I usually would just put the same breed hens in with the rooster who is the same breed. He might get a little lonely though.
Thank you! I've seen people keep multiple rooster by themselves together so I might get two instead of just one I'd I can figure out if that'll also work.

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