rooster pecking problem


May 21, 2018
Today i was putting the chickens in the coop area of my chicken tractor and when i was reaching to grab my birds one of my roosters bit me!:barnie they are only 2 1/2 months old and that rooster is aready protecting the hens what can i do to make him trust me a little more? :idunno
Your cockerel isn't protecting the pullets at this point. (They are "roosters" and "hens" at a year old.) He was probably scared and acting in self defense. I don't think the protective mode kicks in until they are sexually mature. He may be getting close.

I would start "cockerel boot camp" right now. I would not be grabbing, holding, hand feeding or cuddling them. (I don't know if your chickens are pets or how you handle them - just trying to cover all the bases.) When I recognize the cockerels, I start showing them that I am the boss. I will walk toward them and make them back up or move out of my way. I act confidently around them. If one is between me and where I want to go, I just walk where I want and he moves. If I feel like it, I will move them away from the feed for a minute or two, just because I can. If a cockerel gives me the stink eye or moves toward me, I will look him in the eye and move toward him. Sometimes I will walk briskly toward them just to keep them on their toes. I have not had an aggressive cockerel/rooster since I started raising them this way.
Your cockerel isn't protecting the pullets at this point. (They are "roosters" and "hens" at a year old.) He was probably scared and acting in self defense. I don't think the protective mode kicks in until they are sexually mature. He may be getting close.

I would start "cockerel boot camp" right now. I would not be grabbing, holding, hand feeding or cuddling them. (I don't know if your chickens are pets or how you handle them - just trying to cover all the bases.) When I recognize the cockerels, I start showing them that I am the boss. I will walk toward them and make them back up or move out of my way. I act confidently around them. If one is between me and where I want to go, I just walk where I want and he moves. If I feel like it, I will move them away from the feed for a minute or two, just because I can. If a cockerel gives me the stink eye or moves toward me, I will look him in the eye and move toward him. Sometimes I will walk briskly toward them just to keep them on their toes. I have not had an aggressive cockerel/rooster since I started raising them this way.
Just a defensive reaction. He was scared. Not acting like a Rooster. He is still too young.
thank yall for the answers whenever the chicken bit my finger it was actually bleeding but it didn't hurt that much i will make sure to start treating my roosters that way it sounds like a good advice anyway thank yall!!

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