Rooster Losing Balance

I've had two roosters get whatever this guy has... They were both related, so I kinda assumed it had to do with crappy hatchery genes, but then two others got it at completely different times. I still don't know what it was.
If you do end up putting him down, would you be able to have a necropsy done? I'm really curious about what causes this.
We need infos... when the pathologic news arrives... sadface.
So sorry that you lost your little buddy Cheeto. I know you must miss him. Please let us know what the necropsy shows.
I'll make sure to update.
Somehow the reply from the lab about Cheeto’s necropsy was lost. :( I’m sorry to anyone who was wondering about the results.
I’m disappointed that I won’t have a solid diagnosis. However, I’m going to go forward with the belief that my chickens carry Marek’s disease. This is because I’ve had too many unknown deaths over the years to assume this was just a coincidence. I’ll be keeping a closed flock and probably won’t get any more new chickens for a while.

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