Rooster lethargic - please help!!!!


Feb 15, 2022
Hi there,
My Silkie 2yr old rooster has been very lethargic this morning. I treated the flock with amperol these past 5 days, but found out my hen who was sick actually had a prolapsed vent and I think coccidiosis wasn’t the problem. I changed out the water to regular and added nutridense to it. I have the rooster inside and have been mushing up feed with water. He seems to be doing a bit better. Pruning himself. But this was his recent poop. Any thoughts?


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Please if someone can help me 😭 do I let him sleep?


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This is his poop now


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The large amount of white urates in his poop may be due to dehydration. If you have stopped the Amprol, then I would give him some vitamins, electrolytes, and offer fluids often. Can you offer some moistened chicken feed and some bits of scrambled egg? How does his crop feel?
He had a few bites of moistened feed and a few blueberries. I have been giving him nutri-drench in water. But was seeing online that the thiamine May interact with the amperol? But I stopped the amperol for all the chickens this morning
Now all he wants to do it sleep with his head tucked into his wing


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Give hime some electroytes with added sugar first. It might revive him enough to entice him to eat. Due to his behavior, extreme lethargy, especially if the electrolytes fail to make a difference in his behavior, I suspect bacterial infection. You might try to locate an oral antibiotic.
Have you checked his crop overnight to rule out a crop disorder?
The large amount of white urates in his poop may be due to dehydration. If you have stopped the Amprol, then I would give him some vitamins, electrolytes, and offer fluids often. Can you offer some moistened chicken feed and some bits of scrambled egg? How does his crop feel?
I would get him hydrated as already suggested.☝️☝️
If you have finished the Amprolium, then you can give the PND.

Is his crop emptying?
Does he have lice/mites?

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