Rooster doesn't groom / hens picking butt 😳

I agree with @Wyorp Rock that some photos would be helpful, especially of the butt and the preening gland.

I think you may be confusing mites with lice. Lice lay eggs on the feather shafts and live on dander and dry skin, while mites give birth to live young and usually hide out in the coop in crevices and come out at night to feed on the blood of the chickens. The presence of mites should be suspected if the butt feathers appear dirty. The way to tell is to inspect the coop at night and run a damp white cloth over the roosts to see if you get red smears, indicating mites.

Both can be treated with permethrin or spinosad.
Whoops, I forgot to say I checked the perches a couple of hours after roosting but only got dirt and dust on my rag, no red smears.
Ok! I seem to always forget one part, so here's the preen gland and both feet. I'll try and get legs tomorrow:

Foot 1: He has a new bumble on the bottom of this one, and an ankle-lump which he already had when I got him last year. It isn't on the "sole" of the foot and has no bumble mark associated with it:

View attachment 3609483
View attachment 3609497
Side (ankle lump clearly visible):
View attachment 3609495

Foot 2: Nothing of note. Both feet are vastly improved from his initial scaly leg mites but I'm thinking they might need another round of soaks and Vaseline. Easy enough to do once I've started bumble-work, I think...

Top view:
View attachment 3609508
View attachment 3609509

Preen gland (one from directly above, one a little to the side. It's hard to see for all the dirt, he really needs a bath or something...):
View attachment 3609510
View attachment 3609511
Sorry, I really should have thought to have wipes or something cause it's BARELY visible covered in that mud right in the center. The feathers I thought I was seeing are kind of just tiny tufts right at the tip and not very big.

I've learned that Rusty has special sounds for when I've really insulted his dignity. 🤣 And while his gait is best described as "stumpy" he certainly can and does get a move on now when he sees me coming!
Tiny tufts at the preen gland is normal.
Oh my, they can get all kinds of dirty, but that's what chickens do don't they!😅

The preen gland itself looks normal and a healthy pink to me. When you gently wipe it off, take your finger and lightly press, there should be a clear(ish) fine oil that comes out of the gland. The gland is a sensitive area even when they are feeling great, so he's going to scold you for touching him.

I agree, the legs/feet could use a little Vaseline.

The bumblefoot doesn't look too bad, hopefully you can treat that without having to cut into the foot. Often daily soaks and pressing about can get the core to come out. I'd only work on one foot at a time. Get one foot healed up really well, then do the other.

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