Rooster Behavior

Kari Judith

In the Brooder
Feb 18, 2024
My rooster tends to sit in the nest boxes. Is this common behavior? He is also becoming quite aggressive. How can I stop this other than the soup pot?
My rooster tends to sit in the nest boxes. Is this common behavior? He is also becoming quite aggressive. How can I stop this other than the soup pot?
Our Cockerel would find newly laying hens who laid in the run instead of the nest boxes and chase them into the coop. He would hop in and out of the nest box, clucking furiously. Then chase them into it and not leave till they sat down. Afterwards, she stopped laying on the run. It was usually quite funny to watch.

As far as aggressive goes, you could try putting him in a henitentiary (isolate him in a separate pen). That helps with ours.

Also, since the aggression is fairly new, is this a cockerel or a rooster? Our cockerel went through a pretty aggressive stage but seems to be mellowing out.

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