Roo's back toe swollen, infected??


In the Brooder
Apr 11, 2022
Will get pics asap -- meanwhile, our Rhode Island Red roo Brownie, has an injured toe.
He's resting in our hospital box with screen on top for the evening, eats and drinks, looks pretty snappy and not yet limping.
The toe is quite swollen -- looks like several of the infected toe images I've seen here.

If we glean signs of infection (hot, sensitive to touch, obvious pus) we already have a bottle of PenG Procaine.
Anyone have experience with the injectible PenG solution being used in water dispersion as an oral? I give human injections but never treated a bird before.
We weighed him -- 7 lbs. and think we can calculate correct dosing.
Anybody here have experience with this? We are planning on Epsom Salts soaks, topical antibiotic ointment, perhaps garlic in water and possible
antibacterial/anti-inflammatory essential oil herbs such as Rosemary, mint, lavendar. Also prepared to lance the toe, if needed.
Also, not many folks suggest 1/2 baby aspirin -- any thoughts on this as a pain and anti-inflammatory? Thanks for any input!
A picture would help. Is there any possibility of it being frostbite? Soaking in warm Epsom salts is good. Antibiotic if it is open or scabbed also good. Is she limping, holding it up, or is she avoiding walking? If not I would skip the aspirin. If you use the aspirin, limit it to 2or 3 days. Penicillin G is given intramuscularly in the fattest part of the breast muscle near the keel bone, 1/4 inch deep, for 4-5 days. Dosage is 0.25 ml (1/4 ml.)

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