Roo Behavior - Light Brahma - 8 months


Nov 16, 2021
New England

We have a flock of 12 little angels. 1 just so happens to be a Roo named Penguin.

This is our first Roo ever and we’re still learning his behaviors.

Currently, I have 1 older hen who hasn’t laid in years and is just living out the rest of her life. I’m 99% sure she has EYP, but she’s eating and drinking and doing her chicken thang so she will still be in the flock until she says otherwise. The EYP is catching up to her though so we want her calm and peaceful. Penguin is a psycho to her. Always attacking her, but specifically at dusk. He’s trying to mate her, but she is off limits and fought him 2x but lost on the last time. Which I know is his job, but she’s so old and has all those health problems.

I have another girl who is not eating, one who is molting (she’s head hen and fought him multiple times and won) but he tries to get them now that she’s sore from the molt.

I live in New England and it’s currently 27 and snowing. They hate the snow so they stay inside the run (8x16) or coop (4x8). He is also not mature yet and doesn’t have his spurs yet so I’m still being careful with free ranging as we have alll the predators (coyotes, fisher, raccoons, bears, you name it).

Some of the “littles” he was raised with are usually very much in love with him, but recently even they have been like, “bro too much loving!” They will screech and try to run away.

He has 3 hens out of the 12 he has never mated with and will try to keep them from food (we have multiple feeders and Waterers) occasionally. Or go up behind them when they are eating and try to mate them.

I know it’s normal roo behavior, but with them being cooped up I worry it’s too much for them. They are stressed to the max. Can I separate him in run so he’s still with them but can’t mate? Do I remove him entirely for the winter? Or do I just let him chicken? Other than this, he’s a very nice rooster and I’d hate to lose him.


8 month Light Brahma Roo. Cooped up and not being a gentleman to his 11 hens. 2 are extremely stressed and a few that love him are starting to try and escape his advances. Do we kennel him in the run? Do we remove him in a time out for a few days? Other than this hormone storm fest, he’s a good boy and we do like him.

Thank you!

Penguin in the fall watching out for his ladies on the garden.

The coop/run

The Crew


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I would separate him until he matures. Or at least temporarily. Maybe try a few days first and see if that improves him. But maybe inside the run or close by so they can still see other and don’t completely forget each other. Also the coop is a bit tight for 12 birds especially if they’re all that size.
I would separate him until he matures. Or at least temporarily. Maybe try a few days first and see if that improves him. But maybe inside the run or close by so they can still see other and don’t completely forget each other. Also the coop is a bit tight for 12 birds especially if they’re all that size.

My little psychos sleep in the run 🤦‍♀️ it’s been a never ending battle. We only have one chicken (the EYP one) who sleeps in the coop. The ones who sleep out side have a roost about 14 feet
Do we kennel him in the run? Do we remove him in a time out for a few days?
you could try sectioning off a small part of the coop with chicken wire or something of that nature. Unless you have a really big crate! But he is a big boy and should still have some room to roam around comfortable❤️. But yeah I would separate him for the time being. Also he’s super beautiful just to add!!

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