RIR sexing

wait until they are 12 weeks and watch feathering and waddles and combs LOL. I have a lot or RIR and I really have trouble sexing until they start showing in the back feathers. Others may be much better at it than me. I think they are some of the hardest to tell.
How fast are the feathers comming in? Red girls feather out fast. By 2 weeks, my girls had full wings that went the entire lenght of their sides and their tails were comming in. They also started to feather down their backs, early on. The boys have shorter wings at that age and fuzzy butts, as the tail feathers are slower to grow in on the boys of that breed. Do you have any photos that you can post?
I usually can't tell until they are 3-4 weeks old. Here is a pair of RIR at 3-1/2 weeks and then again at 6 weeks, hatched this spring. The rooster was a dead giveaway: a darkening comb and wattles, and the start of an upright tail. The hen has a pale comb and more mature feathers. I was hoping they would both be girls, too.

Hope that helps.


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Very helpful. They all have long wing feathers and tail feathers are coming in, except for one. I think he is a rooster. I will post some pics shortly. Trying to get my kids to do homework to get to soccer:)
They are adorable!! Boy, there sure is a difference in that one, isn't there? I am no good at sexing, but I learn something new on here every day!!
make an O with your poiter finger and thonb and gently lift then by the neck/head.if they struggle and freak out its a roo.;if theyre pretty calm they are pullets

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