Rescude a Wyandotte hen


16 Years
Dec 24, 2007
Northern California
Hi Everyone:

Our animal services agency here in Palo Alto were notified of a chicken roaming around a busy intersection. They got her, just in time. She was starving and had an injured eye.

Good, the vet didn't find anything wrong except her stressed condition. After a week she was on her way back to good health.

I saw her pic and felt I needed to give her a home. Normally I like to always get two girls at a time but animal services didn't have any other chickens, so I adopted her anyway.

She is gorgeous. I'm guessing they have the right breed, but I have no clue. They said they don't know her age and she didn't lay, but I wouldn't expect her to until she feels safe. So far she is very frisky and eating up a storm.

Your thoughts?
She does look like a blue Wyandotte. Poor girl, her legs are pretty yellow so I would guess she is young yet.
Hi Oldhenlikesdogs:

Thank you for the info. So, for her yellow legs means she is young? She certainly does not act like an old chicken to me. She is busy grooming herself, making noises and eats like a champ.

I'm so grateful we (Palo Alt) rescued her. She's got a good gig now.

Thanks for the info.
I'm also thinking blue Wyandotte, and not really old enough to lay. She looks like a young bird to me, around 5ish months
I'm also thinking blue Wyandotte, and not really old enough to lay. She looks like a young bird to me, around 5ish months
Thanks as well. Interesting.

She is very, very sweet. She is making her way with the others. Fortunately everyone is minding their manners.
Hi Oldhenlikesdogs:

Thank you for the info. So, for her yellow legs means she is young? She certainly does not act like an old chicken to me. She is busy grooming herself, making noises and eats like a champ. 

I'm so grateful we (Palo Alt) rescued her. She's got a good gig now. 

Thanks for the info. 
Young birds that haven't laid yet have bright yellow legs, if they are a breed with yellow legs, usually their leg color is never as bright after the first laying season. So that's why I think she's younger.

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