Release Hunting


Mar 1, 2023
I was wondering if you could raise native quail and release them into a quail friendly habitat and hunt them just like you would wild quailšŸ§
Hunt clubs release quail to hunt but they have to be flight conditioned in large outdoor pens. You might try a Johnny House type quail pen. Commonly used to train bird dogs. Quail are released in the morning and birds return via a trap door in the evening. This is an alternative method of flight conditioning without the confines of a pen. Natually you'll lose some in the process. I'm constructing one now. It's a good idea for small scale hunts and dog training.
You have to check with your state Fish and Game Department. Many states will require you to have a game bird farm license and inspections by said agency. We raise quail and have a game bird farm license, but we are not allowed to release them. Only sell live birds to people for eating and falconers for training.

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