Rehoming Black Swedish Drake, New York


In the Brooder
Jun 13, 2017
Hey guys, unfortunately I’m thinking about rehoming my drake. The other option would be to cull him, and while I don’t have an objection to this I would rather him get a nice new home. He will be 1yr in June, I hatched him and raised him from a baby so he is imprinted on me. I know this will make rehoming difficult but he is starting to peck at my family members and is causing my older dog stress from the noise he makes. I live in a urban environment and was planning on building him a secure coop so he can be outside and not in my room. I have another dog who is a notorious hunter and unless it was Fort Knox I wouldn’t feel safe with my drake outdoors with him. Obviously my room is too small and it’s not fair to him. Any suggestions or anyone willing to add another drake to their flock?

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